
Subject: Congratulations! ! !
Posted by Cynthia on December 29, 1998 at 01:12:44:

In Reply to: I GOT MY SUGAR GLIDER TODAY!!!! posted by Roy Hannah on December 29, 1998 at 00:08:18:

: i got a SG today i paid $175 for cage and 6 month old male (i was told its a good price??)

That was a very good price.

: they had peanuts (i had the impression not to feed peanuts as a meal??)

You have the right impression. Peanuts are high in fat content and should only be given as a rare treat now and then. Too much fat in the diet can lead to fat deposits in the eyes blinding the glider just as cataracts will.

sunflower seeds, and some high quality cat food (again i thought it was a good idea not to feed cat food)

And once again you are right. A study by Mich University has shown that gliders fed cat food developed intestinal blockages and obstructions.

: and they said that they feed him fresh fruit every night.
: i have the same food in the cage(not the same fruit obviously) and i made the mistake of putting oranges in his cage along with apples and mango i soon realized that i shouldnt have given him oranges so i took the oranges out imediatly but he did eat some. is that real bad?

No that is not real bad, gliders can have some citrus fruits on rare occasion but it is not a good idea to give them very much or very often. Do not let that instance concern you.

: thx for the info some of u have sent me but i still want advice ;)

: when i looked at him at the store he didnt smell but once he was at my house for a while i noticed him leaving his sent a lot and now it smells bad. is that just because he is getting used to his surroundings??

Yes they are territorial, but I don't think that it has to do with your cat. He will mark his cage and it is probably due to his new surroundings the smell should dissapate in a few days and will not be a problem if you do not clean the cage itself too often. Every time that you scrub that cage he will re mark it and make it his territory again.

: he seems to like that brisky SG food alot (i got a sample in the mail) but i dont want to give him the whole package as a full meal untill i have more incase he decides to ONLY want it.

This is a good thing. You do not want to give him more than two ounces per night anyway. They only eat one to two ounces per night. When feeding the accu-feed you do not need to feed anything else. It is nutritionally complete and the more of the other foods that you offer him the further from a balanced diet that you get him. It is kinda like buying your cat a premium cat food and then feeding it all the table scraps that it wants. You are defeating the purpose of feeding your pet the most nutritious diet.

: i kind of have an idea as to what to feed it for now, but can someone PLEASE tell me a meal that will last for a weak.

You do not want to leave any food in it's cage for a week. Even with the accu-feed you want to offer fresh food daily.

: how much food does it eat? can u over feed it like u can fish?? or will they stop when their full??

Yes you can over feed them and they will get fat. You should monitor their food intake as well as their weight.

: he let me pet him when he first got here and was calm but he is extremely jumpy now.
: now he will try to bite me no matter what i do when i get near him he will grab my hand and bite me?

This is because you and his home are all new to him. Take him out of his cage daily, wear him in a pouch or in your pocket, or try the two shirt method. Put on a T-shirt and then a long sleeved shirt on over that and tuck them both in. Let your glider run around between the two shirts. Put some material that has your scent on it into his nest to allow him to get use to your scent. Try to avoid socks as some gliders have lost life and limb to pulled strings from socks.

Best of Luck

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