Subject: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
Posted by Roy on December 30, 1998 at 23:39:50:
i have now had my glider for 3 days, and he has been pretty friendly, i could pet him and he would eat from my hand but he wouldnt let me hold him. but today he got on my hand and ran all over me, then he got on my arm (grabbing real tight) and started biting the hell out of me!!!!! at first I thought he would stop in a sec so i blew it off, but he wouldnt stop and he bit harder and harder!!!! i tried to get him off, but he would budge..... finally i got him off and put him in his cage, and later i tried again, he crawled on me and did it again even worse, so WHAT DO I DO??????? i made him a pouch today (out of polar fleece, and duck cloth) and took out his nest box hoping that tomorrow i can carry him around in it (if he gets in it) but i dontknow how breathable the material is, so i wouldnt want to shut it =/ well obviously i need some help. i made the pouch from duck cloth and then lined the inside with the polar fleece, then i have a flap with 2 buttons on it, if i button it but make sure there is a open gap for air will he be okay?? well i gotta go but someone please help !!! is there any way to make him stop??? is this normal?? he bit so hard that he broke the skin all over thanks a lot Roy
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