
Subject: Re: setbacks.....but whats a SG to do
Posted by Jaded on April 07, 1998 at 00:12:25:

In Reply to: Re: setbacks.....but whats a SG to do posted by Bourbon on April 06, 1998 at 23:33:11:

Our attempts to wake her earlier have failed, she does stir just long enough to eat a morsel or two then either curls up in her pouch or runs to a dark spot and sleeps.
She sleeps at least,,well lets put it this way. She fell asleep at about noon today its now midnight and if shes true to form she won't wake untill at least 3:00am as late 5:00am
All atempts to keep her up have been more of workout for us then an awakening for her. On the weekends when we can we either stay up late or wake up early to let her run for as
long as she likes, but never has she jumped on either one of us. and we have left the room many times. She has never really shown much interest in us at all.
Wendi wears her a huge amount of time, 8 to 10 hours a day on some days.

As far as her surprising us and "reporting in" I don't see it happening, but I don't really know what to expect at this point. I dont know what's involved in the everyday
bonded SG owners ability to get his charge back in the cage. That is something that has never been explained to me and I am really curious!

Thanks for the help

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