
Subject: Please Help New Glider Owner
Posted by Ayala on January 13, 1999 at 22:32:52:

hello all. i just got my baby boy glider, Tyler, on Sunday. He is approximately 3-4 months uot of pouch, and was supposedly hand raised. i left him alone in the cage which is 24"x24"x36" until he started exploring and then i offered him some fruit. he was very hesitant at first, but he's gotten better about taking it the past couple days. i still haven't been able to touch him though, and if i move my hand too fast or too close to him he crabs and tries to attack. i know it will take time, and i'm working on it. i hope i can pet him soon though. i'd like to get him a friend, but i was told that if i did they wouldn't be as nice to me because they would bond to each other. i want my baby to be as tame as possible because i want to play with him and take him places in his pouch with me as much as possible. also, if i do get another, should i get a male or female? if anyone has any suggestions on this or how to get him to bond with me, i'd really appreciate it! thanks,

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