
Subject: Re: Please Help New Glider Owner
Posted by Vette on January 14, 1999 at 06:26:57:

In Reply to: Please Help New Glider Owner posted by Ayala on January 13, 1999 at 22:32:52:

It's all a matter of time and association.

1:) Wear a T-shirt for a day. Place this T-Shirt into the Glider cage. This helps to associate your scent with the comfort and safety of "home".

2:) Whenever your Glider sees your hand, make sure there is food (a treat) in it. This helps to associate you with "good things" ie treats. Just put your hand in the cage, palm up with the treat visible. If the Glider doesn't take the bait, try again later.

3:) Be consistant. Plan your activities with the Glider at the same time every day. They, like us, are creatures of habit. If you show up every night at 7pm with a treat. Pretty soon around 7pm, the Glider will be up and alert at that time, waiting for his treat.

4:) Once the Glider is fairly comfortable with you, you can try carrying him around in a fanny pack with you. Others have had success with keeping the Glider in a shirt pocket. Since Gliders are nocturnal, chances are they would sleep all day in the pocket. This really helps with close bonding. The Glider will soon start to feel safe with you and more.

5:) There will come a point in your relationship with your glider when he or she will require your daily attention. You being its only family or contact, the Glider will be very eager for your affection. When this point is reached, ignoring or not paying enough attention can cause a great deal of stress on the animal. They are social creatures and depend on you for their entertainment!

6:) If you do get another glider, I think it is best to get one of the opposite sex. Unless you are willing to be a proud and busy Glider parent, I'd make sure at least one of the critters was spayed/neutered. Bringing in a 2nd glider will change your relationship with the 1st one. They will become less dependant on you as they bond with their new friend. My 1st glider is still very tame, but doesn't like to be held anymore since I got my 2nd. Both are tolerant of me, and enjoy playtime...however neither like to be directly handled. They would much rather run circles around my head. ;)

I hope this helps. Let me know if there is anything else I can do. Just remember...It takes TIME. Don't get discouraged.

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