
Subject: A New One On Me
Posted by Pat Todd on January 14, 1999 at 16:18:37:

I've been a USDA glider breeder for almost 5 years and recently
had a "new one" told to me. One of my very happily satisfied
customers in Houston (Wanda)just had to call me and tell me
She was taking her babies out of their pouch and her female
was "dead to the world" asleep. She thought at first she was
dead or sick, she was sleeping so soundly. She gently removed
her from the pouch and the glider still didn't awaken. She
then began to uncurl her tail from her face and was shocked
to see the little girl sucking 2 of her fingers. She went
ahead and woke the glider up completely to make sure nothing
was wrong and then the glider let her have it!!! Wanda got
very thoroughly "cussed out" in gliderese. The glider was
perfectly fine, just very upset at being waked up.
Aren't they the most incredible little creatures?

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