
Subject: Hi Pat; Brie's (oop 9/27) doin' great, thanks so much n/m
Posted by Tammy H (Dallas) on January 14, 1999 at 17:55:52:

In Reply to: A New One On Me posted by Pat Todd on January 14, 1999 at 16:18:37:

: I've been a USDA glider breeder for almost 5 years and recently
: had a "new one" told to me. One of my very happily satisfied
: customers in Houston (Wanda)just had to call me and tell me
: this.
: She was taking her babies out of their pouch and her female
: was "dead to the world" asleep. She thought at first she was
: dead or sick, she was sleeping so soundly. She gently removed
: her from the pouch and the glider still didn't awaken. She
: then began to uncurl her tail from her face and was shocked
: to see the little girl sucking 2 of her fingers. She went
: ahead and woke the glider up completely to make sure nothing
: was wrong and then the glider let her have it!!! Wanda got
: very thoroughly "cussed out" in gliderese. The glider was
: perfectly fine, just very upset at being waked up.
: Aren't they the most incredible little creatures?

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