
Subject: Single glider
Posted by kim on April 24, 1998 at 18:12:20:

My Foster is 3-1/2 months old. I have had him for 6 weeks now and we are best buddies. He loves to play hide and seek and I carry him with me everywhere... he sleeps inside my shirt. He always comes up to lick my lips when he wakes up, as if to say hello. The only time I am not with him is when I'm sleeping.

I just talked to a guy in Washington today (while trying to order some vitamins for Foster) and he gave me this 15 minute speech on how he's seen lots of gliders die and it's probably because they were alone. No human can ever make up for the companionship of another glider and he'll never be happy with just me, so someday he'll either get codependant with me or he will hate me and be really mean.
How true is this? I know fully well that gliders are social animals in the wild and that it would probably benefit him to have a buddy. But I treat him like a newborn... he is with me every moment of my life, and he certainly doesn't have time to be lonely. Am I abusing my glider by his only having me? He was taken from his mother when he came out of the pouch and hand-fed by my breeder... he has never even seen another glider. He thinks I am him mommy. If anyone has had a single glider for a while and it is happy with just them, I would really like to hear about it. Any other input is very welcome as well.

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