Subject: Re: Single glider
Posted by Susan on April 27, 1998 at 08:44:19:
In Reply to: Single glider posted by kim on April 24, 1998 at 18:12:20:
I had a single glider for about a year and a half. Like you, she was with me all the time and we gave her plenty of attention (probably more than she would have liked at times!) She seemed happy and was very friendly, she thought of us as her buddies and was a big snuggler. We then got a baby glider for her and she is very happy that she has a friend her size now. She is still very friendly, but not so snuggly-I don't think she needs us as much as she did now that she has baby! I am very happy we got another, they love each other, but I think Moe would have been ok by herself. If you can always give her as much attention as you do now, your glider will probably be okay, but seeing how much Moe loves the baby now, I would recommend getting another. And two is even more fun than one! Good luck....I don't think your glider will die of lonliness if you give her as much attention as you say, but I have heard of many lonley gliders who do.
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