
Subject: Curious about gliders on planes
Posted by Jay on May 04, 1998 at 01:31:28:

Hello, my name is Jay, and I need to bring my two gliders
with me on a return flight that will last about 45 minutes.
One of my gliders is 10 months old and the other is about
a month old, and I need to know if it is best to take
them with me on my person, like in my pocket or in their
glider pouch, or should I check them in through baggage
somehow. In addition, does anyone know if the air
pressure bothers or injurs them in any way. Also, will
they suddenly begin crabbing because of the pressure
change? Finally, I would appreciate it if you could
respond directly to my e-mail address, JM27329@SWT.EDU,
so I will get the information quicker. Thanks for any help
you are able to send.

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