Abbreviations in the context of sugar gliders:
- OOP Out Of Pouch
- IP In Pouch
- UTI Urinary Tract Infection
- UA Urinalysis, which is a chemical and microscopic examination of urine, is a diagnostic test that is commonly used for the detection of a urinary tract infection, kidney disease, and more.
- SM Self Mutilation, the self infliction of injuries.
- HLP Hind Leg Paralysis
- Ca:P, Ca:Ph Calcium:Phosphorus ratio
- BML Boubon's Modified Leadbeaters, which is a common blended diet based off a diet for the Leadbeater's Possum.
Abbreviations in the context of websites:
- GG Glider Gossip, which is the forum on this website.
- GC Glider Central. Originally was an acronym to designate different sections of another glider website, but is instead used to refer to the website itself.
- SGRC Sugar Glider Resource Center, an informative website with articles, and health and scientific resources.
- GA Gliders Anonymous, another popular sugar glider web site.