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 kazko's Nut House
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kazko's Nut House

Chased from above!

Here's what happens when I leave a bonding shirt on top of the cage. She thinks she is clever.

Now thats tired

Corona sisters caught in action

Dont you just love a good family feast!

The Corona sisters posing with their overbearing mother and manager, Mrs Corona.

Kazko presents "The Corona Sisters"

Beer box with camera riser on the top. Cam has a 90 degree lens switched out for the default 45.

Corona beer box with a mod to raise the camera out a bit.

Heres what doesnt work: Hazel in one hand and attempting to make the morning's iced mocha with the other.

and WHAT are YOU looking at!

Pican gorging on an egg before I got a chance to cut it up.

Hazel enjoying a worm

Buddy ripping into a Papaya.

Cage Commotion

Carbon watching Buddy and Pican

Hand Pican a shrimp and all of a sudden she is too lazy to come out of the pouch.

kazko's Nut House
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 kazko's Nut House
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