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Cheza and Scarlet in their coconut

taking a mango treat from mommy

he's fine when I hold him but as soon as I put him in a bonding pouch he'll crab until I stick my hand in next to him. i know he's not fully bonded yet and we have a long way to go. and whenever I'm not watching or not petting him he'll jump off of me.

the next three pictures are of him slowly waking up after i called his name

four days later and he now immediately curls up in my hand and falls asleep

First time falling asleep in my hand

First time falling asleep on me

i like to think he's saying why hello there?

Leonidas in full I love his yellow face and prominent black tail. i know he's just a classic grey but if anyone knows why his face is yellow it would be awesome to know
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 faelanoiche's Albums
 faelanoiche's Main Album