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prdycool's Main Album


Dezi eating a treat while I sneak pictures of the baby

baby hanging out

little baby butt!

New cage!

baby waves hello!

who's in there?!

big belly :)

Fat momma!

chubby cheeks!


Newborn joey-as good of a close up as I could get with my camera. You can see the eye, head, tiny folded down ears, hands, feet, and developing tail wrapped up.

Newborn joey and regular sized push pin for comparison. The push pin is 1 inch long from top of the blue part to tip of the needle.

"You want a lick of this mint?" -Al

Yum yum yum, yogurt drops!

Dezi and Al cuddling in the pouch
prdycool's Main Album
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 prdycool's Albums
 prdycool's Main Album
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