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Messin' Around With Paint
Messin' Around With Paint
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Dec 28 2008
02:57:01 PM
I'm painting again!! Woo Hoo!!

Thanks again, Tisha.

She said some very nice things about my work, and it gave me the jolt I needed to overcome my current painting confidence issues. As much as I don't like to admit that flattery blows my skirt up, I think all of us need some positive feedback from time to time to achieve enough self-confidence to attempt things that frighten us. Starting a new painting is a lot like what authors face when they look at a blank page (or monitor), only for me it's a blank canvas. I start worrying that my arm won't cooperate, and my confidence goes down the tubes. Once I start though, I'm hard to stop!

Back down to the studio!!
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Dec 28 2008
03:03:41 PM
snusie Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit snusie's Photo Album snusie's Journal USA 2962 Posts
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Dec 28 2008
03:04:34 PM
Catman Goose Catcher GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Catman's Photo Album CO, USA 2670 Posts
Good luck!!! I'm sure even on your worst day you can still paint alot better than most of us on a real good day
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Dec 28 2008
04:05:10 PM
Rita Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Rita's Photo Album Rita's Journal MO, USA 12214 Posts
Raven, Im so happy for you!!! You are far to talented to put that brush down!!!
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Dec 28 2008
06:02:52 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
Finally working on that Wild Free-Range Bearded Collie image?
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Dec 28 2008
07:02:06 PM
Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy's Photo Album OH, USA 1624 Posts
A friend for Little Charmer, Little Devil?

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Dec 28 2008
08:07:38 PM
valkyriemome Goofy Gorillatoes Visit valkyriemome's Photo Album USA 3479 Posts
Oh, Raven! I'm so sorry! I had no idea you were suffering a painter's block!

If you ever need a pep-talk, you let me know! I've bookmarked your website so that I can go back and gaze upon your beautiful work! I am always stunned when I learn that the artists I admire suffer from bouts of self-doubt, just like me! You mean, you are human??!

If you ever have doubt - I'll be more than happy to remind you how stunningly beautiful, exceptional, unique and inspiring your art is!
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Dec 28 2008
10:17:27 PM
Roz Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Roz's Photo Album USA 902 Posts
Val said it all....Raven we love your you ever get a "block" is beyond me...You are one of the most talented artists I have ever had the pleasure to view....KEEP PAINTING...the world is a more beautiful place because of your work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dec 28 2008
10:21:35 PM
tisha Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Visit tisha's Photo Album tisha's Journal OK, USA 2081 Posts
No problem at ALL Raven!! I just happened to be looking at your pictures at just the right time I guess! I was just completely amazed with your talent. Your detail is amazing and you catch wildlife in such a beautiful way. I'm so glad I messaged you when I did. *hugs*
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Dec 28 2008
10:29:56 PM
dizzysmom Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Visit dizzysmom's Photo Album dizzysmom's Journal IN, USA 3882 Posts
You guys are too good to me.

You'll be happy to know that I got in about six hours of paint piddling today - and I didn't flip my brush across the room a single time. I'm already salivating to get down there tomorrow morning, but for now, I'm fried. It's a strain, but it feels great!

Unfortunately, at the speed that I work (or lack thereof), it'll be a long time before I can show y'all a finished piece. It's 20" x 16", so that'll take some time.

Thanks everyone - It does give me more confidence.
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Dec 28 2008
10:47:04 PM
Rita Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Rita's Photo Album Rita's Journal MO, USA 12214 Posts
I cant wait to see it!!! Dont tell us - let it be a surprise!!! Just give us mean, little hints every now and then to drive us crazy. How much fun will that be!!!
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Dec 28 2008
10:50:52 PM
tisha Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Visit tisha's Photo Album tisha's Journal OK, USA 2081 Posts
Oh Rita you devil! I wanna know noooow!
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Dec 28 2008
11:45:09 PM
Catman Goose Catcher GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Catman's Photo Album CO, USA 2670 Posts
Raven, do you ever take pictures at different stages of your paintings?
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Dec 29 2008
07:22:31 AM
dizzysmom Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Visit dizzysmom's Photo Album dizzysmom's Journal IN, USA 3882 Posts
Hmmm - No, I've never done that Catman, but I s'pose I could. My paintings look so cartoonish and awful as I'm working on 'em. Might be interesting to do that this time though. I'll bet I say to myself 100 times during a painting "This'll never work...".

Hint #1:
It's not a glider. (sorry folks)
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Dec 29 2008
10:00:41 AM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
Originally posted by dizzysmom

As much as I don't like to admit that flattery blows my skirt up,

Ok, here goes...

I absolutely love your panties!
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Dec 29 2008
10:11:51 AM
mccubbins7 Face Hugger GliderMap Visit mccubbins7's Photo Album USA 681 Posts
when she remenbers to wear them.. lol
so what are ya painting..
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Dec 29 2008
10:15:28 AM
guitargeek01 Face Hugger GliderMap Visit guitargeek01's Photo Album guitargeek01's Journal IL, USA 718 Posts
Originally posted by dizzysmom

Hmmm - No, I've never done that Catman, but I s'pose I could. My paintings look so cartoonish and awful as I'm working on 'em. Might be interesting to do that this time though. I'll bet I say to myself 100 times during a painting "This'll never work...".

Hint #1:
It's not a glider. (sorry folks)

ive said the exact same thing when too! but if i tell myself it looks terrible, then it ends up coming out ok!
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Dec 29 2008
11:06:48 AM
dizzysmom Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Visit dizzysmom's Photo Album dizzysmom's Journal IN, USA 3882 Posts
Originally posted by Eric Coleman

Originally posted by dizzysmom

As much as I don't like to admit that flattery blows my skirt up,

Ok, here goes...

I absolutely love your panties!

Woo hoo! Thought I felt a bit of a draft!!
Messin' Around With Paint

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Messin' Around With Paint