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GliderGossip GliderGossip
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How to PM?
How to PM?
Dec 30 2008
08:17:15 AM
I was just wondering, how do you PM another member?
Dec 30 2008
08:23:23 AM
dizzysmom Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Visit dizzysmom's Photo Album dizzysmom's Journal IN, USA 3882 Posts
Click on their underlined name at the top of a post. It takes you to their page. Under Contact Info, there is a button to select to send them a PM.
Dec 30 2008
08:50:35 AM
Cheddy Glider Visit Cheddy's Photo Album 186 Posts
Ok, for example this post, I don't see any underlined name. Sorry but I am kinda clueless.
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Dec 30 2008
09:03:54 AM
Rach Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Rach's Photo Album 626 Posts
see how Dizzymom replied to your post, well click on her name
Dec 30 2008
09:07:12 AM
Cheddy Glider Visit Cheddy's Photo Album 186 Posts
well that was exactly what I did. I pulled my mouse over to her name, and I am not able to click it. I wonder why. Is really odd.The "underline" just does not appear for some reason.
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Dec 30 2008
09:35:40 AM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
Did you try to sign out and sign back in? You can also try going up to "members" up top and see if you are able to click on a member that way. I'll flag this post so Eric or Kazko can take a look...
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Dec 30 2008
10:15:36 AM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
Are you logged in to the site? At the very top of the page, does it say "Logged on as: Cheddy"?

I see you've uploaded photos, and various other things that can only be done when logged in.
How to PM?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
General Chat
How to PM?