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Nov 06 2008
10:12:15 AM
Britt_marie19 Face Hugger Visit Britt_marie19's Photo Album USA 537 Posts
I agree with the going mobile, being able to buy or auction off items for suggies, recipes for suggies, maybe an "idea" section that people post new things they tried with thier suggies and the suggies loved like leaves and toys... stuff like that.

Different recipes section would be the nicest..
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Nov 06 2008
10:15:42 AM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
There is a recipe section up above under "resources" and then "nutrition"
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Nov 07 2008
06:59:05 AM
Britt_marie19 Face Hugger Visit Britt_marie19's Photo Album USA 537 Posts
I think i have seen it... more more additions to it would be cool! :)
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Nov 13 2008
03:31:24 AM
snusie Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit snusie's Photo Album snusie's Journal USA 2962 Posts
When I've finished a topic and go back to the category, I'd like it to return to the page the topic was on instead of page one -- I like to go way back and read old posts, and sometimes I forget which page I had gotten to.
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Nov 13 2008
02:36:02 PM
Tate and Jodi Super Glider GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Tate and Jodi's Photo Album IA, USA 393 Posts
can we have some way to comment on peoples pictures? like I see some posting on the side of the front page and want to say something or ask something about them? I can always send a PM but it would be nice to ask and everyone see the answer, or comment and see everyone else's too.
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Nov 25 2008
09:48:03 AM
Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy's Photo Album OH, USA 1624 Posts
Hey Eric,
Is there any way to pull all of the smiley's and put them in one album by some sort of identifying categories?

I keep looking through all of the items looking for one I know I've seen but never seem to be able to find it when I want it.....

This may be too hard to maintain but it never hurts to ask, right?
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Dec 16 2008
02:46:48 PM
mccubbins7 Face Hugger GliderMap Visit mccubbins7's Photo Album USA 681 Posts
how about a photo uploader where you can up load more then one at a time..
that would be wonderfull
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Dec 26 2008
12:28:44 PM
best_friendz2 Face Hugger Visit best_friendz2's Photo Album 841 Posts
I think we should be able to look in classifieds in a specific state.
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Dec 26 2008
02:55:31 PM
valkyriemome Goofy Gorillatoes Visit valkyriemome's Photo Album USA 3479 Posts
Is anyone still reading this? There are some great ideas here! Being somewhat new myself, I hadn't seen this thread until it was bumped up.

Originally posted by tootles

I would like to be able to have a signature it lets people know more about you.

Originally posted by Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy

I would like to be able to click on someone's avatar and see a larger image.

I'm DYING for signatures! People here seem to know each other well, and often post replies using a real name rather than a screen name. Without some sort of signature, I don't know who the reply is directed to!
Dec 26 2008
10:16:44 PM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
yep, still reading. This thread has become a "to do" list. As this is a sticky post, none of these suggestions are going to be burried. The to do list is always there. As time permits, I'll make modifications and additions as necessary.

Right now the photo album is near the top of the list. It needs to be completely redone, and there have been some great suggestions on how to enhance it.

As for signatures, that used to be an option, and it's gone because in a decision between usefullness and abuse, abuse won, so the signatures are gone. As an aside, I also think excessively large signatures really detract from the forum. On other forums, in a given discussion, 90% of the page is signature and 10% is actuall conversation. I don't think that serves the purpose of a forum properly. I also don't know people's real names, so I just use the nick name people pick. My brain can't keep track of two names per one person. If anything were to change in the future, signatures would end up being limited, such as just a one liner with no images.

As for smileys in categories, that's something to be worked out among anyone with a smiley album. I don't want to be the one sorting what people upload to their albums. You're more than welcome to organize it amongst yourselves however you wish.

States and classifieds, not gonna happen. Tried the state thing already and it didn't work. Mixing that with classifieds, well, that's not really the focus of this site. If you need to find something in a particular state, you can always use the forum's built in search feature to find stuff.
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Dec 27 2008
10:45:31 AM
best_friendz2 Face Hugger Visit best_friendz2's Photo Album 841 Posts
Ok :)
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Dec 28 2008
03:57:46 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
How about changing the ugly blue Gliderpedia header and graphics to be the same or at least similar to the main site yellow graphics?

I think we originally wanted Gliderpedia to stand on its own at and not be tied to, but it may simply be and look better if we brand it.

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Dec 28 2008
04:07:55 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
Anybody have suggestions for the Photos area?

I think it would be good to capture the date of upload of an image and then allow browsing by date or at least have the main photos page browse by most recent.

I'd also like to see a comments capability for images. This would probably change the way images are shown though as right now they popup when clicked and go away when clicked again. Comments would require a single page per image which would be a major rewrite.

I'd also like to see a new forum created called Comments. It will be linked or generated from the comments script across all areas of the board so that when a comment is left anywhere, it pops up in this forum as a new thread that people can read, discuss and also go see the item that the thread is about. So each comment entry left would get its own thread in the comments forum. This would help generate activity across the board and people could share in what others are viewing. Or perhaps the forum could become the comments engine, so once a first comment is left for an item, it then uses the same forum thread for all additional comments for that item. This might be easier to integrate and would allow historical followup which would be interesting.

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Dec 28 2008
08:11:16 PM
valkyriemome Goofy Gorillatoes Visit valkyriemome's Photo Album USA 3479 Posts
Originally posted by Eric Coleman

If anything were to change in the future, signatures would end up being limited, such as just a one liner with no images

No problems with that from me! I *hate* excessive signatures! I would be thrilled with a signature limit, myself!
Alden, but many call me Val
Mom to 1 dog, 4 cats, 2 birds, 1 chameleon, and 21 gliders
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Dec 28 2008
08:12:21 PM
valkyriemome Goofy Gorillatoes Visit valkyriemome's Photo Album USA 3479 Posts
Originally posted by Kazko

Anybody have suggestions for the Photos area?

I am no help with this. I cannot for the LIFE of me figure the photo area out ... so I don't know how it works, let alone how to improve it!
Alden, but many call me Val
Mom to 1 dog, 4 cats, 2 birds, 1 chameleon, and 21 gliders
Dec 30 2008
06:28:25 PM
Goldwinger Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Goldwinger's Photo Album Goldwinger's Journal VA, USA 1369 Posts
Hi Eric,

I was reading through as always posts about food and read a post that gave me an idea. You have the gliderpedia right. Well how about a recipedia. A place where lots of receipes are listed where people have created food mixes and sources that their gliders will eat. I saw another post from davegerbil about a frozen ice cube he makes and their are recipe's for eggs and chicken and vegetables and fruits. I think it would be very heathy for our gliders and you could have a page that outlines the Ca:PH ratio's for those of us old and new that would need to reference it. you could list the recipe's for BML and those mixes so that those of use that may need to change have easier access to them. It could be it's own section like the gliderpedia is and would be right there on the home page for easy access.

Thanks for listening (
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Dec 30 2008
06:41:16 PM
Goldwinger Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Goldwinger's Photo Album Goldwinger's Journal VA, USA 1369 Posts
Thinking somemore about this you could create a like fill in the blank sheet for the recipe's. You know Ingredients, directions, cook time. A sheet this would be just like a recipe book. If I say had a recipe I wanted to put in for submitting to the recipedia I would fill it in, submit it, have it checked out by whoever edits or whatever anything ironed out that needed to be and then added to the recipedia. You have editors for the gliderpedia? I bet we have some really great cooks that might like to edit the recipedia. That name just being what I'm calling it for this post.

Anyway, Thanks again.
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Dec 30 2008
07:01:22 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
There already is a section for recipes under "nutrition" under "resources". I don't know how many people use that area of the forum, but there's tons of info!
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Jan 19 2009
07:05:22 PM
Pip Sqeak Glider OH, USA 177 Posts
Is there any way you can make like a mobile version of You know like one that fits easier on the screen of like cell phones and I pods and stuff? I don't know if that's possible but they did it for myspace so it was just a thought
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Jan 19 2009
11:37:32 PM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
Myspace can hire programmers for that sort of thing! And I don't have any sort of device like what you describe to do any testing with, so if you want to donate an iphone or ipod, I'd probably be willing to accept.
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Jan 24 2009
01:19:26 PM
Princess N77 Joey 43 Posts
Being able to have a profile thing where you can click whatever thread you posted on. For instance, I posted on this thread, I click my profile thingy and I click "show" where I posted and i click "view in thread" so I can see what other people posted after me. It's a good idea.
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Jan 24 2009
02:09:32 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
You can click on every thread you've ever posted on through your profile.
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Jan 31 2009
08:49:06 AM
Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy's Photo Album OH, USA 1624 Posts
Originally posted by Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy

I have two things and maybe you can already do this and I just don't know how....LOL

1) When using the search feature, I would like to see the results list in order from most recent to the oldest.
Edited to add: I think I may have figure this out -- I was searching in the wrong place.

2) I would like to be able to click on someone's avatar and see a larger image.


I keep trying to clicking on avatars thinking to my self that Today will be the day!
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Mar 13 2009
05:44:27 PM
sugarglidermama Glider GliderMap Visit sugarglidermama's Photo Album 196 Posts
Belinda, those are the folks that need our help! They are new here looking for information. This place was such a big help to myself and David when we first got ours!
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Mar 13 2009
05:45:37 PM
sugarglidermama Glider GliderMap Visit sugarglidermama's Photo Album 196 Posts
Eric, my suggestion would be that maybe n the FAQ, there be some information as to how many posts it takes to get to a different level.
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Mar 13 2009
05:48:50 PM
sugarglidermama Glider GliderMap Visit sugarglidermama's Photo Album 196 Posts
Another suggestion that when we sign in that there is a direct link to the photo albums so we can upload photos easier.
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Mar 17 2009
06:31:49 PM
Goldwinger Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Goldwinger's Photo Album Goldwinger's Journal VA, USA 1369 Posts
I know we have the search feature, Kylah helped me figure out how to use it today but I thought, would it be possible to incorporate more Topic Icons into the forum. There are a few questions that you cannot sort by topic because there's no Icon to do it. Possibly one that represents CAGES for cage questions, INTRO'S for introduction questions, BONDING, PLAY or TENT TIME. This could make it easier for people like me to find some other threads that have been discussed many times to find these topics. Currently they are just a piece of paper mostly. As many different things that are dicussed it seems there should be more of a selection of Topic Icon's. Just my opinion so I thought I would pass it on as a suggestion. I seem to be always looking for an Icon that doesn't exist. I hope this makes sense.
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Mar 18 2009
04:53:35 PM
Belinda Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Belinda's Photo Album FL, USA 944 Posts
Originally posted by sugarglidermama

Belinda, those are the folks that need our help! They are new here looking for information. This place was such a big help to myself and David when we first got ours!

I know and sometimes I put my two cents in when I think I have something enlightening to say. This place was a great help to me when I got mine dropped off in my lap. No I didn't go get them they just came to me.

The thing about the titles though, sometimes I am still looking for information and I have to look through every post for information that I may be a little sketchy on. Even being the reader that I am, which I am always reading something, I still haven't gotten it all figured out. The titles would also help the newbies find what they need.
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Mar 18 2009
05:00:05 PM
Belinda Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Belinda's Photo Album FL, USA 944 Posts
And then I read Goldwingers suggestion. That's pretty much where I was going with the titles of the posts. It would be an easy way to go back and find posts dealing exclusively with the subject you are dealing with.

For me at the moment I could use a lot of info on introductions even though I have read tons of it in the past. It's just that I am actually having to do it now.
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Mar 18 2009
07:28:10 PM
Belinda Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Belinda's Photo Album FL, USA 944 Posts
I have an idea. This is an international site. Right?

There is a little space above the top of the page. Right?

How about a little date and time clock for a couple of places on the planet like the stock markets do?

It would be interesting to see the date and time in a few places.

What time is it in Australia where our babies are from descended from for instance?
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