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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Glider Stories
New Glider Escaped! (We Found her Don't Worry)
New Glider Escaped! (We Found her Don't Worry)
Jun 20 2018
10:01:38 AM
I had my gliders for about 4-5 months at this time. I knew their personalities but was still a rookie, since they were my first pair. School made me pull and all-nighter because I procrastinated and then had to write two essays...

I took a nap earlier in on the day to be able to stay awake longer and easier. When I woke up, it was time to feed my girls. I was extremely groggy and felt gross - I wasn't paying attention. When I fed my gliders, I left the door open! I'm such a goof ! I took multiple breaks through out the night/morning but actually got up to check on my gliders at 4 am. When I walked in my room, turned on the light, and turned the corner to see my glider, I started to panic. I haven't had them long enough where they were extremely bonded to me! I found one still in the cage (it was confusing because now she tries to come out and explore all the time.) but my shy girl wasn't in there!!!!

I ended up waking two of my friends up by texting them non-stop and my brother and dad helping me search everywhere. My brother just happened to lift up a pile of clothes in a bucket (we were giving away to charity..we aren't thaattt messy) in the hallway when I was right by and spotted her! She looked terrified! I picked her up and put her back in the cage. She never looked happier to be back!
New Glider Escaped! (We Found her Don't Worry)

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Glider Stories
New Glider Escaped! (We Found her Don't Worry)