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GliderGossip GliderGossip
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Default, miscellaneous
Feb 09 2019
03:19:45 AM
I heard a bunch of barking n hissing coming from pouch went 2 check n my boys (1 is neutered) was eating a joey & so were my girls I tried 2 get it from them but was unsuccessful .. do I need 2 seperate the 4 of them when there r joeys n pouch ? why would they do that ? is something missing n their diet ? they r on the bml diet with fresh veggies (corn green beans peas) I also give them blueberries cherries 1 boiled egg cut up & sometimes grapes
Default, miscellaneous
Feb 21 2019
02:55:05 PM
Adeebdee6964 Joey 19 Posts
Wait, you said you had 2 males and 2 females in there? Ok, no no no no, separate the male that is not the father, and the female that is not the mother, even when neutered 2 males can fight, and at least 1 won't make it to 15 years, but adding 2 females for breeding and 1 male unneutered is huge no-no. Even sometimes females that aren't related will eat each others joeys, please separate them immediately and do some more research before trying to breed again! I don't recommend breeding again, they could kill their joeys! How big is the cage? Show a picture? :(

GliderGossip GliderGossip
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