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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Is this normal?
Is this normal?
Jan 05 2020
06:23:36 AM
Hi guys! So I just got a new glider pair 2 females both 2-3 years old . I rescued them and got them for free off Craigslist from a couple who had purchased them as Joey's for there son. The son had no time for them and the pair has never bonded to anyone. They where kept in a small cage and it litteraly only had two hollow coconuts in it. They where never let out or played with.last night was there first night here. I have a second pair of gliders on female and a un neutered male kept in a separate cage right next to them. Well one of the new females is mounting the other female all night long . Not only that she's acting very weird . She's been non stop all night bouncing off the walls,running in circles at the top of the cage very non stop bouncing around. I herd females mount each other when in heat? Do you think because there cage is by my male they went into heat? And that's why she's so crazy because of hormones? Or do you think she developed some kind of anxiety from being in a small cage and never let out. She kinda looks like she's looking for way to get out of the cage but in a frantic way. The others on is alot calmer and acting normal to me. Also another thing I think is weird is she's half the size off all three of my gliders but I'm told she's 2-3 years old is that weird that she's so small or do you think they lied to me and she's very young? I don't know much out gliders just the basics because I'm new to them and this is only me second pair. Am I just being paranoid? I haven't taken them to a vet bc it was a last min thing and it's only been 24 hrs.
Jan 05 2020
09:34:45 PM
BYK_Chainsaw Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit BYK_Chainsaw's Photo Album BYK_Chainsaw's Journal USA 1301 Posts
get the new gliders in a big cage, like midwest critter nation big, get them a
good glider wheel (atticworx) and some toys, give her time outside of the cage at night.
see what happens.
Feb 15 2020
08:59:27 AM
BatGirl Glider Visit BatGirl's Photo Album BatGirl's Journal USA 62 Posts
The mounting is a sign of dominance - dogs do it, rabbits do it, etc. A male will mount another male to dominate it, and a female will mount a male or female to dominate it. Usually the dominated creature will accept it being dominated - but not always. Frequently it starts passive, then if the dominating creature continues the practice, the dominated one will begin to fight and you can have fatalities... Best to squirt some water on the dominating one when you catch it doing it to show it who actually IS the dominating one around here! YOU must be 'pack leader'
Is this normal?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Is this normal?