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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Spoiled Food
Spoiled Food
Mar 17 2020
05:34:31 AM
Hey guys! So my sugar glider ate spoiled food this afternoon because I forgot to remove her bowl earlier this morning. I am really worried that something might happen to her. Her current diet is tpg, which contains eggs. Is something bad going to happen to her? If yes, what should I anticipate? Is there something I can do to avoid it?
Mar 18 2020
01:02:06 AM
BatGirl Glider Visit BatGirl's Photo Album BatGirl's Journal USA 62 Posts
if it ate it it's probably fine - just not something to let it do too much. REALLY spoilt food would be repugnant to it and it would've left it alone... I've been guilty of snacking on a slice of pizza left out overnight myself - nothing bad happened, but not something I'd do too much or if it was left out and was moldy and smelled funny, heh, heh...
Spoiled Food

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Spoiled Food