Hey, thanks for actually replying, i had kinda given up on anyone helping.
so about 2 weeks ago or something i rescued this glider from a bad owner, she didn't have a name so i called her Cinnamon, cause i thought she was a cinnamon type, but on closer inspection i realised she was just really badly treated, she is a lion type tho, she's got more goldy coloured fur under the dirty layer and she's got a short nose and wide head.
she's been malnourished so her fur is all yellow and cracked and had stuff stuck in it. she was overgrooming, but has stopped now and it's starting to grow back her 'eyebrows' she was alone in a hamster cage not much larger than herself, it was also rusty. she's now in the big cage with 3 other gliders, one more will be going in with her soon after it's weened from it's mother(its around 3-4 months, almost as big as the other ones)
she's missing some claws(not the thumb ones, i know they don't have claws) her ear was bitten off(not by my gliders, she's the boss so they don't mess with her) her tail was also partially bitten off and broken in 3 places. when I got her she sounded like she had a lung infection because the way she was crabbing, but it's all gone now.
none of the other gliders in with her are sick and she's getting much better, she does pee in the pouch sometimes which is annoying and worrying.
she's in with all girls(i only own girls, sold the boys cause my mum didn't want me having anymore gliders) she's the alpha and always gets to the food first.
i feed them baby porridge for the vitamins, blended vegetables(bml diet i think, something like that) fruit, yoghurt and mealworms as a treat.
I do distance Ed so i take her out alot, she never bites but she does crabb is you reach into the pouch when it's only her, with the other's she's fine though.
i live in a country with no vets that would be safe for her although i don't have a problem with spending my money on them.
they're my babies and i just want the best for them...
any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thank you for actually replying!!!
sorry this is a verry long post XD