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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Please Help
Please Help
Health related
Jul 06 2022
07:29:39 PM
Hi I have a problem please help… since i get my first sugar(Mort) he was alone we took him from pet Store with absolutely no information about him
And no knowledge about sugar gliders…but me and my girlfriend managed to give him best what we got. We bought a cage where we was letting his food and water and pouches and we both agreed to left cage doors open nonstop so he can go to cage anytime he wants and go eat or do whatever he wants so actually we gave him a whole room where we lives (it’s a lot of cleaning and lot of ventilating but what ever) as the times go he started to bonding with us but in way give me food and let me play with dream catchers and stuff but he doesn’t wanted to go near us when I was giving him treats he took it and get on tapissery where I can’t reach him to pet him about after one mont I had accident with him (at night when I needed to go to toilet a accidentally stepped on he’s tail and he wanted to run but I was standing on his tail and I realized its him after couple hisses and barks)so he lost that little trust he had …I was sad because I wanted to have a bond with him bigger then with any other animal I had I wanted to have him on my arm and go with him outside but I’m wasn’t able to bond that way but as he was alone and he had such a freedom he didn’t wanted that bond so I get idea to get him a friend Molly and try to have them in cage so he can be free only if he get on my hands and I let him go and play with him … Molly she is smaller and younger then mort she’s like half of him and she is okay she started trust me pretty fast but only if she is alone without Mort … when we get molly he seemed happy that he have a new room mate but when he realised he is locked in cage he started being aggressive too much couple times I tries to pick him up but he started to bites and bark but Molly wants to go on my hands I don’t get it it’s about 2weeks and he seems to be very stressed and unhappy with this situation he stopped eating and he is aggressive and he is demoralising Molly with his behaviours too. Ate least there is not any SM but they furs looks messier then they should and they seems so sad… My question is how can I make a new bond with him and make them eat both well, they are both rn on syringes with baby food and also Im giving them full fruit and worms stocked bowls but syringes are only thing I'm able to get in them . Please someone give mi advice how to deal with sugar gliders depression and how to make them eat again and be happy without giving them whole room again or giving them to another breeder who have whole colony(I know that this will help to reeducate Mort)Thanks a lot for answers <3allso you can send emails....Thanks again

Please Help

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Please Help