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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
New joeys oop 12/29
New joeys oop 12/29
Joeys, birth, parenthood
Dec 30 2022
07:17:49 AM
My female glider just had a set of joeys come OOP last night. I don’t have lineage but the person I got them from said they are not related. I’m not breeding to make any profits but for personal and family only. My question here is can anyone tell me what color variations I have here. Beat pics I could get at this time. But you’ll see mom is a standard gray and one baby is white and the other has gray markings.
this pic taken 12/29
this pic taken on 12/30

New joeys oop 12/29

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
New joeys oop 12/29