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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Sugar glider's skin went yellow + other problems. Help, please.
Sugar glider's skin went yellow + other problems. Help, please.
Health related
Jul 30 2024
11:33:21 AM
I am desperate. I have no idea what happened or how.. But just this Monday (29th July, 2024), my sugar glider's skin (Not fur, skin.) went yellow. He suddenly has diarrhea and has problems defecating and urinating, his ears are droopy, and he cleans/licks his behind often. Despite this, he is eating and is his usual energetic demeanor, which I assume is a good sign? I'm just really worried for him. My dad gave him honey the night prior, do what you will with that information as I am no expert.

I gave him more fruit and worms. I'm trying my best to keep his nutrition stable while I wait for a time I can bring him in a checkup at the vets. I am quite busy and so are my parents, so it might take a while. I'll try and get him in as soon as I can but while I wait, I'd like some advice and maybe some theories about this disease?

I am deeply, terribly sorry if I posted this in the wrong place.. I am new to this website and I just need advice and help. There hasn't been any similar results when I search it up, either.. I love him very dearly and I just want the relief of knowing that hopefully, he'll be okay.

-Sincerely, Ray.
Health related
Aug 04 2024
02:49:28 AM
Ray Sir Starting Member 2 Posts
He has passed. I couldn't find a vet in my city that can take in Sugar Gliders.

Yesterday he wasn't playing like he used to, his body was limp. I gave him some honey and let him rest. He looked like he was getting better, his eyes had that shine of life in it.

Today, 4th of August, I woke up at 10 A.M. and checked in on him. I dreamt that he was healthy; happily eating his snacks and playing, but somehow it also felt like he was fading. Of course, that made me worry so I checked up on him and he was already stiff. He was gone. Now I look at his empty cage and I just feel lonely. He's not there to look at me whenever I give him food anymore, he's not there excitedly climbing up my arm when I come get him to play. He's not there.

I love him very dearly and now I hope that maybe we can meet again in the afterlife. Maybe we can play with his new toy that I got him. The new toy he never got the chance to play with.

-Sincerely, Ray.
Health related
Sep 24 2024
10:47:39 AM
SuggieSlave1991 Joey 19 Posts
I'm very sorry for your loss. I only wish I could've seen your post sooner to offer advice. But If you decide to get gliders in the future, I hope you see this. Please do not only keep one, you need to have at least 2. Having only one can cause them to become depressed and that can cause them many health problems because they will starve themselves, over groom, and among other things. Also, becarful what you research. There is so much wrong information out there. If you do decided to get gliders again I hope to see on here asking more questions. I'm going to start checking this site more often for people looking for help or advice. But once again, I'm so sorry for your loss.
Health related
Oct 07 2024
12:13:06 AM
agoddess Starting Member Visit agoddess's Photo Album 2 Posts
So sorry for your loss Ray!
I'm new on here too. I just had one of my gliders pass too. I'm not a vet, but the yellow skin sounds like liver failure. I'm not sure how old he was. Sugar gliders can live to be 12-15 yrs, but 8-10 yrs is average. So perhaps your little guy was nearing the end of life, or as the other post indicates, they do need to be in 2's or more.

However, that's really beautiful that you dreamt he was healthy, happy and eating snacks. I believe that was his way of telling you, he is grateful for all your love and care, and he's on the otherside, happy and restored to perfect health! He wanted to come back and tell you. Until you see him again. :)
Sugar glider's skin went yellow + other problems. Help, please.

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Sugar glider's skin went yellow + other problems. Help, please.