When Joeys are nursing from thier mothers they dont usually need any intervention from us humans, but with the weather we have been having and with no air conditioner it has been soooo hot inside, I have been giving the joeys water as they were getting a little dehydrated. The twins mum hasnt like me taking them at all, but it has been completely necessary, It has been very stressful trying to keep all the animals cool. Two afternoons ago, a friend rang to see how I was, she was on my doorstep within 10 mins as I had been feeling so sick, headache nausiea, and evidently I was sounding a little strange on the phone, I think I had the beginning of heat stress again. She took me back to her place for a couple of hours in her airconditioned house. Before I left change the frozen water bottles in all the cages, to make sure the animals would be ok for a couple hrs.