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You Need More Than One Testimonials....Please Read
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Oct 30 2009
08:26:30 PM
best_friendz2 Face Hugger Visit best_friendz2's Photo Album 841 Posts
Awwwww I'm so sorry but he looked totally different in that second to last pic
Oct 30 2009
08:51:00 PM
Goldwinger Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Goldwinger's Photo Album Goldwinger's Journal VA, USA 1369 Posts
Thank You Kylah for your story. I'm so happy that Puff Daddy got to know what another glider was, how to play, what love was and what a true forever home felt like before he died from the neglect forced upon him by his other owners. This is truly a happy but sad story and everytime I read it I cry....

Thank you (and Rita) for not only your love and dedication to your own gliders but for the love and dedication you both give to the glider community.
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Oct 30 2009
09:00:20 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
I didn't cry until I re-read the post from the night he died. Gotta say-that wasn't pleasant! I also thank everyone here that gives info to help new owners get educated. You win some, you lose some, but you inevitably help that's all that matters. I'm still learning all the time too!
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Oct 30 2009
09:08:14 PM
Goldwinger Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Goldwinger's Photo Album Goldwinger's Journal VA, USA 1369 Posts
In response to asking how Jack is doing now. He is doing just wonderful Thank You very much. I'll have to get some new pictures of him. He was so bald I thought the hair on his head would never grow back. For the most part it has. He still has a bald spot even though I got him neutered but I think that is because of his age (his was 6 years old when I rescued him and got him neutered) and because he was over-grooming so much from lonliness and the spot was so large. There were spots on his hind legs and thighs as well but those look completely full now.

If you think about some of the symptoms of lonliness it makes sense. If your glider stares off into space frequently, sleeps a bit to much, is over weight or under weight, is not interested in things they should be, just sits and stares for large amounts of time. Sometimes these things take place while you are sleeping. Also think about them in the pouch. Snuggled up with nothing but a blanket. Is so wonderful watching them snuggle and sleep together as in Kylah's picture. Someone else has an awesome picture of a glider with it's arm around it's friend. I wish it could be posted here as an example of things that happen that you never get to see. The bond that takes place between two wonderful gliders that have found each other and chase and play and cuddle and TALK to each other. They have their own form of communication and the sounds they make to one another are wonderful. Please consider all of these things if you ever feel that those of us here just don't have a clue as to what we are saying.

As the poster whose glider died above stated and his story broke my heart, he said, "It is not OPTIONAL, it's ESSENTIAL". Your glider needs a friend.
Oct 30 2009
09:16:17 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
I'm happy to post pics of them doing things together to show they do EVERYTHING together. I'm not looking for the "awwww" factor even though it's impossible not to with some BUT it does show their bonds with each other.

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Oct 30 2009
10:51:51 PM
best_friendz2 Face Hugger Visit best_friendz2's Photo Album 841 Posts
I agree, although I love the 3rd and 7th picture!

Edit to correct spelling

Edited by - best_friendz2 on Oct 31 2009 11:47:45 AM
Oct 31 2009
12:37:02 AM
cmhenson Joey GliderMap Visit cmhenson's Photo Album NC, USA 25 Posts
i absolutely love the 3rd adorable

now on topic, I do agree that you need to have more than one glider, when we got our first glider, we were planning on getting a 2nd one in a couple of months, but soon decided (like 2 weeks later) that we needed a second one. Granted our first one didn't seem unhappy or healthy, but we knew we needed a second one. We got Emma, our second glider, about 2 or 3 weeks after we got Sidney and we can definantly tell Sidney is much happier. Plus, now we have 2 little gliders to love on us! Emma is much more shy and timid, it's taking a lot longer to get her bonded, but her mom died when she was only 4 weeks or so OOP and then the lady we got her from didn't handle her or feed her any supplement except for yogurt. When we talked to the lady she was 2 or 3 hours from us and said she was driving through town (she also said the glider was about 11 weeks old) so she would bring her to us. When we saw Emma we immediately knew she was only 6 or so weeks old, and even though we didn't want to condone her selling such young gliders, we couldn't leave Emma with her. We could tell this lady was only selling her for the money, and that she didn't care who took her. We've only had her for a month or so, but we can already tell she's much happier than when we first got her.

To show how much gliders do love each other, here is a pic from the first introduction with Sidney and Emma:

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Oct 31 2009
02:02:51 AM
arn26 Glider Visit arn26's Photo Album 68 Posts
I cant believe your story..your honestly a hero..
The picture of him and skitzi made me smile-i saved it to my computer (hope you dont mind)
then i started crying when i found out he passed away, im so sorry for your lost :(
the saddest part is there are too many suggies living this way.
goldwinger, guys are AWESOME!
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Oct 31 2009
11:33:05 AM
suggieluver02 Face Hugger GliderMap Visit suggieluver02's Photo Album suggieluver02's Journal 442 Posts
omfg. im so sorry. what did his "partner" skitzi do
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Oct 31 2009
01:34:08 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
She was actually not herself for a good month or so. There was another female, Kiki, with her but it didn't matter. Kiki never even gave Puff Daddy a second look. Even when they were all introduced, she ignored him. Oddly enough, he ignored her too. I don't know what that was all about. ANYWAY, as soon as I'd open the cage at night, she'd run to every place in the room they of the wheels I kept outside the cage, under a side table where they'd take their treats and run to, on one of the bookshelves. When she didn't find him, she'd go back into the cage. She wouldn't really play. She did that for quite a long time. She didn't eat the same for a few days but that part got back to normal after a while. Since then, we got 2 more males the following March(2008)and Kiki and Skitzi each had one joey so they're a happy unit of 6. (All boys are neutered now too) Without having Kiki there (who is also her sister), I'm not really sure how she would have been.
Oct 31 2009
06:26:55 PM
Goldwinger Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Goldwinger's Photo Album Goldwinger's Journal VA, USA 1369 Posts
cmhenson - I love that first picture of your two gliders together. It is truly a wonderful sight when you see that reaction when they first meet.

When I introduced Jack to Luna and Milk Dud he was just so Fat and silly looking the way he would try to bounce around. The two girls just kind of ignored him at first. then about 1/2 hour into the introductions (we did it in the tent) Luna got brave enough to approach him, she grabbed his neck, pulled him to her and just began rubbing her head into his chest. When she stopped he grabbed her head and began rubbing his head into her chest. Since then they have been inseperable. I guess that was the moment when they claimed each other. Milk Dud is kind of like Kylah's Kiki, she really just kind of ignores Jack and Jack really doesn't bother with her. I mean they get along fine but they are not really bonded to each other. Luna is the LOVE of Jack's life. Even last night when they came out of the pouch, they went into the wheel and I caught Luna rubbing her head all over Jack. Maybe to say "remember he's mine", idk but it is always so sweet whenever I get to see them react to each other this way.

Some animals mate for life and if that mate dies some species never get another mate. It is just not right for animals that are meant to be with other animals of their kind to be forced into a situation of being alone. It's not the way God nor Nature made them and it is being cruel to force them to live without another of their own kind. If you truly love your glider you would never force them to not be with another glider. Those are just the facts.

Here are a few current pictures of Jack, Luna and Milk Dud

Milk Dud

Jack and Luna

Jack only

Edited by - Goldwinger on Oct 31 2009 06:29:33 PM
Nov 01 2009
05:55:13 AM
snusie Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit snusie's Photo Album snusie's Journal USA 2962 Posts
I got my first glider, Shikoni, nearly four years ago, in February 2006. I was his third home, he was at least two years old when I got him. He had always been alone. I wanted to find him a companion. At that time I didn't have the Internet access I do now, but I looked in the local papers, left my name at pet shops; even met someone with a breeding pair ... to no avail. There just aren't that many gliders in my county. Finally last November I found a pair of brothers in need of a new home, and got them. The person who had to rehome them met me half-way, so I only had to drive two hours each way.

In the years that Shikoni lived alone, he never showed any signs of depression or loneliness. He was always active and interested in whatever was going on; very friendly and outgoing; and had a good appetite. He loved to play, didn't overgroom or have any apparent problems at all.

When I completed introductions, he still kept all those good traits, but has become even more playful and friendly. There's constant chatter from the cage, and play time is even more fun. I'm ignored a lot of the time, but that's okay; I love to watch them pounce, chase and wrestle with each other.He used to sleep with a fur mouse, and now he has warm, cuddly guys to sleep with. Shikoni's life is much more fulfilling with friends of his own kind.

I think it's possible that some gliders can live alone and be well-adjusted, as Shikoni was; but I think that they are very rare. And to see the difference in him now as compared to a year ago, well, I regret that I wasn't able to find him friends much earlier.
Nov 01 2009
11:50:14 AM
suggieluver02 Face Hugger GliderMap Visit suggieluver02's Photo Album suggieluver02's Journal 442 Posts
Originally posted by kyro298

She was actually not herself for a good month or so. There was another female, Kiki, with her but it didn't matter. Kiki never even gave Puff Daddy a second look. Even when they were all introduced, she ignored him. Oddly enough, he ignored her too. I don't know what that was all about. ANYWAY, as soon as I'd open the cage at night, she'd run to every place in the room they of the wheels I kept outside the cage, under a side table where they'd take their treats and run to, on one of the bookshelves. When she didn't find him, she'd go back into the cage. She wouldn't really play. She did that for quite a long time. She didn't eat the same for a few days but that part got back to normal after a while. Since then, we got 2 more males the following March(2008)and Kiki and Skitzi each had one joey so they're a happy unit of 6. (All boys are neutered now too) Without having Kiki there (who is also her sister), I'm not really sure how she would have been.

like i said im sorry for the loss especially for her. i know this is off subject but i had 2 dwarf hamsters. sprinkles and shadow. both girls almost like sisters. best friends. sprinkles died in her sleep and shadow went into depression. a month later shadow passed a well.
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Nov 01 2009
10:53:14 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
Nov 02 2009
07:05:00 AM
THEHYLAND Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit THEHYLAND's Photo Album FL, USA 4774 Posts

Here is a couple of pics of them together.


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Mar 02 2010
07:46:23 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
I feel this one needs a bump as well...
Mar 03 2010
03:21:21 PM
Essika Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Essika's Photo Album Essika's Journal ON, CA 581 Posts
This is such a cute thread, I love the stories, and Puff Daddy and Jack immediately came to mind when I first met Aussie.... I love her so much and I'm so happy to see the improvements they have made together

A thread like this should be sticky'd to the forum so all new glider owners can read about the importance of friends.
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Mar 09 2010
10:37:25 PM
WintersSong Fuzzy Wuzzy 1417 Posts
I feel like this needs a bump.
Apr 06 2010
01:39:58 PM
our2girlz Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit our2girlz's Photo Album United States 2362 Posts
Originally posted by WintersSong

I feel like this needs a bump.

Apr 06 2010
02:12:40 PM
Rita Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Rita's Photo Album Rita's Journal MO, USA 12214 Posts
Rereading the stories and seeing the before pictures of Jack and Puff Daddy still brings tears to my eyes.

I'll have to find the original post about my Miss Weasel. Her story is also pretty heartbreaking. But she has been living very happily with her 3 new glider pals for over 2 years now.
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Apr 06 2010
06:28:31 PM
Goldwinger Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Goldwinger's Photo Album Goldwinger's Journal VA, USA 1369 Posts
Rita - I've never heard the story of Miss Weasel but I have read a statement from Kylah that it's quite a wonderful rescue story. I wish you would post it. I'd love to hear it. I'm quite a sucker for the happily ever after stories especially where our babies are concerned.
Jul 15 2010
06:58:55 AM
Goldwinger Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Goldwinger's Photo Album Goldwinger's Journal VA, USA 1369 Posts
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Jul 15 2010
08:11:12 AM
bman Glider Visit bman's Photo Album IL, USA 100 Posts
I love reading these types of threads, they are soooo sad but happy. I know they teach me that when I get suggies, the more the merrier. I would love to take in 4 or more when I am able.

Edited for spelling

Edited by - bman on Jul 15 2010 05:01:57 PM
Jul 15 2010
08:33:55 AM
sameeee Joey Visit sameeee's Photo Album 20 Posts
here is the story of Gizzeeee & Ada

I got Gizzeeee from my daughter. he was 3mo's OOP a beautiful Gray little boy. he was well taken care of and was never alone untill he came to live with me. I had a big cage for him and we played in the tent every night, had him with me most of the day, he seamed happy when I was with him. but at night when I had to go to bed he would look at me with such sad eyes. it just broke my heart to have to leave him for the rest of the night. thats when I knew I HAD to find him a friend, looking on CL I found Ada WFB 15 mo's OOP. I saved all $$ I could to get her. the boyfriend of the girl that had Ada held on to her for me it took a month to get the funds to buy her, the night before I was to pick Ada up I told Gizzeeee he was getting a girlfriend. and I was going to give his Castle to her to play in. I forgot to take it out that night but in the morning when I did there was a heart bracelet in it and for the life of me I don't know how he got it in there as I could not get it out. ( did Gizzeeee understand and gave Ada a gift?) it was raining and cold the day we met to get Ada. when the girl opened Ada's pouch. Ada was so scared and cold she was shakeing, I took her and put the pouch in my shirt to warm her up. and peiced together Ada's story, I found out the boyfriend was making the girl find a new home for Ada because she was not taking care of her. the cage I got was small and so dirty, sticky and smelled so bad, only 2 baby toys and a pouch was in it. the food they handed me was baby food and blueberrys, I did't want to stress Ada when we got home so I put her pouch down inside a zippered pouch and hung it on a chair untill I could get her cage cleaned and set up.( I threw away the baby food) when done Ada had a new pink cage set wheel and toys. I put the Castle with Gizzeeee's gift in it too, I made her dinner and set it in. and waited for night. when Ada came out of the pouch she just looked around like WOW where did all this come from lol, she checked every thing out. and came to the food dish and boy did she pig out she ate every bite. I took the old pouch out and put in a new one, and talked to her. after a few nights I took her in the pouch to the tent and you would never guess what I found in the pouch. yep it was the heart bracelet Gizzeee gave her lol. she got it out of the Castle. Ada was so sweet she loved tent time and me :-) after the vet and 30 days it was time to get Ada and Gizzeeee to together. I put the cages together and boy did they chatter they talked to each other every night untill I took them to the tent, it was Love at first site. they rubbed each other and played. I was in tears the hole time. it has been 5 months now and Gizzeee & Ada have bonded so well with each other and me too. I have a Big 6ft by 6ft by 6ft high screeded tent in my bedroom attached to the cage we have a blast every night and morning, now when I go to bed I can hear them playing Gizzeeee is not sad anymore and Ada is healthy and happy, and I thank the Creater every day for bring these 2 sweet babies into my life,

their first night together


Edited by - sameeee on Jul 15 2010 08:39:25 AM
Jul 15 2010
06:11:05 PM
slave4suggies Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit slave4suggies's Photo Album USA 1101 Posts

Rocky--I had been wanting a sugar glider for about 10 years. I was searching through CL one day and seen a glider for sale,$75. The owner was moving and there was no room for him. i would be his third home. We set up a time and I went to see him. When I got there,he was in an ok cage. Smelled really bad and there were maybe 2 toys in there. He had a pouch that just smelled awful. They told me he was 2 1/2 and neutered. They were feeding him baby food vienna sausages and yogurt. I was told that it didn't hurt him by pulling his tail. Their kids would poke at him through the bars. At that statement I knew i had to take him home. They packed up his stuff, including a leash and I went home. I took all he had and cleaned it. Throwing away the stuff that smelled really bad. I then went on an internet search for a diet. There was so much stuff it boggled my mind. I landed here and found HPW and Dahlia's recipes. I didn't have the money that day for the complete diet so I made do with what I had until my husband got paid. After i got all the ingredients together I gave them to Rocky who ate every drop and looked at me for more.I didn't want him to get sick so I gave him a few papaya pieces. I carried Rocky with me when I was in the house. Everywhere I went, so did he. Curled up in a bonding pouch around my neck. We spent endless hours in the bathroom, playing and romping and on more than one occasion I could be found the next morning sleeping on the floor, with Rocky curled up in my hair. He was not shy at all, he'd climb all over me. Ride on my shoulder and I thought he was genuinely happy.

And then came lily,3 months after I got rocky. I have no idea how the woman found me, but there was an email one day asking if I wanted a female lone glider. Lily's owner had tried introducing her to her current gliders to no avail. Nothing worked. Lily was as healthy and happy as a lone glider could be. Just like rocky. At the very first intro they curled up together and went to sleep.She's still pretty shy but we are getting there. They do everything together. I'm lily's 4th home.

Then came Romeo. I got romeo this past april. Again, no idea how the woman found me. But she told me she was moving to PA and they are illegal there. She gave me a brief history. She got Romeo from someone who had gliders in a cage in his back yard. If i remember right she said there were 30-40 gliders in there. So, inbreeding is quite possible. She drove from her home 4-6 hours away and brought him to me. I was quite shocked by what I saw in little Romeo. She brought him to me in one of those plastic cat litter containers. He had a nest box,a stuffed animal and a small toy. His nails were extremely long and he had trouble moving around because of it. He'd never even seen a wheel before. He would sit in the wheel and just look around. Romeo is still really shy and reserved.

Now they are all in one cage. And every now and then there's a scuffle. But nothing major. I was one of the people who didn't know they were colony animals, and I honestly thought Rocky was fine. Until I seen him with other gliders. The look on their faces was one of..OMG there are others of my kind?? YAYYYYYYYYYY

I'm glad I got the other gliders for many reasons. You just can't imagine the changes in them. They are all unique and the personality differences are amazing. Rocky is loud and obnoxious. Lily is the girly girl. And Romeo is ever the lover.

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You Need More Than One Testimonials....Please Read