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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Possum Species - Friendliest
Possum Species - Friendliest
Aug 16 2009
08:17:24 PM
My boyfriend is in love with my Shuggies just as much as I am and wants to learn more about different possum species. I know other members on the forum, like Rach, have a variety so maybe I could get some information here.

I asked him more of what he meant by "friendliest" and he was looking along the lines of one that is less likely to bite. I think because they do that for scent that maybe a possum with a better sense of vision would be what he's looking for

Edited by - cinnamon babies on Aug 16 2009 08:25:32 PM
Aug 16 2009
10:10:34 PM
Rita Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Rita's Photo Album Rita's Journal MO, USA 12214 Posts
Rach, Ko and Jett all live in Australia, so they have a lot different species of possums than what we have in America. What we have here are o'possums, which are entirely different.

There are a few breeders of striped possums and 4-eyed possums - but they are far and few between.

Tell him to google possums in American and see what comes up. As far as biting, they all have teeth therefor can all bite.
Aug 16 2009
10:33:21 PM
Ko Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Ko's Photo Album Australia 1168 Posts
I find the ringtail possums by fair the friendliest of the species...even more so than sugar gliders. However, you will find them only in Australia.

Here are severalphotos of some of my own ringtail possums.

PS. The sugar gliders love all the blossoms in those photos too!
Default, miscellaneous
Aug 16 2009
10:53:22 PM
JennieMC Glider Visit JennieMC's Photo Album 61 Posts
Ko, I lived in Brisbane for 2 years, I think these are the types of possums that used to follow me around in the Botanical gardens at night... They were very cute! I lived in South Bank across the river from the gardens, and used to bring them fruit all the time, they would crawl up onto my lap.....If it's the same type of possum, these guys get pretty big!!!! And they have reflective eyes like a cats that can appear to glow when the light hits them. Very spooky at first when you see several glowing eyes all around you.....
Default, miscellaneous
Aug 17 2009
12:28:35 PM
cinnamon babies Glider Visit cinnamon babies's Photo Album USA 122 Posts
Aww! Well I'll have to see if there are any safe breeders around, we were thinking about waiting until we move into a house (once our lease is up for this apartment) so that we can have a room for our gliders, a room for our aquariums, and we were debating on either different possum species or a kinkajou. It's quite a leap in temperament and care, but we figure we could find a way to keep them seperated
Default, miscellaneous
Aug 17 2009
01:24:21 PM
Jay21 Glider Jay21's Journal USA 191 Posts
I posted a forum about kinkajou cause i was gonna get one. I heard they dont make the best pets and i was definatlly talked out of gettin one by what i heard. They also are very high maintence
Research Information
Aug 17 2009
01:32:34 PM
cinnamon babies Glider Visit cinnamon babies's Photo Album USA 122 Posts
I'll go check it out :) I joined a yahoo group that has kinkajou owners so that I could find out more because most places just say "YOU SHOULD KNOW MORE ABOUT THEM"

Edited by - cinnamon babies on Aug 17 2009 01:33:25 PM
Aug 17 2009
02:30:34 PM
swithers Face Hugger Visit swithers's Photo Album USA 423 Posts
Those possums are SO cute. I was thinking about the O'possums we have in Arkansas. They arent nearly as cute or soft looking. I want to visit Australia and see all KO's cute babies.
Aug 17 2009
02:46:58 PM
Ko Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Ko's Photo Album Australia 1168 Posts
Originally posted by cinnamon babies

Aww! Well I'll have to see if there are any safe breeders around, we were thinking about waiting until we move into a house (once our lease is up for this apartment) so that we can have a room for our gliders, a room for our aquariums, and we were debating on either different possum species or a kinkajou. It's quite a leap in temperament and care, but we figure we could find a way to keep them seperated

You wont find ringtail possums in USA or for that fact, many other possum species other than the sugar glider and your own local opossum species.

This is a good thing actually, as the ringtail diet consists mostly of native plants which would be difficult to find over there.
Aug 17 2009
02:48:40 PM
Ko Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Ko's Photo Album Australia 1168 Posts
Originally posted by JennieMC

Ko, I lived in Brisbane for 2 years, I think these are the types of possums that used to follow me around in the Botanical gardens at night... They were very cute! I lived in South Bank across the river from the gardens, and used to bring them fruit all the time, they would crawl up onto my lap.....If it's the same type of possum, these guys get pretty big!!!! And they have reflective eyes like a cats that can appear to glow when the light hits them. Very spooky at first when you see several glowing eyes all around you.....

If they were big then they were possibly brushtail possums. They are much larger than the ringtails and quite distinctive with their very brushy tails.

You will find lots of cheeky brushtails in most city parks !
Aug 17 2009
04:13:40 PM
cinnamon babies Glider Visit cinnamon babies's Photo Album USA 122 Posts
Originally posted by Ko

Originally posted by cinnamon babies

Aww! Well I'll have to see if there are any safe breeders around, we were thinking about waiting until we move into a house (once our lease is up for this apartment) so that we can have a room for our gliders, a room for our aquariums, and we were debating on either different possum species or a kinkajou. It's quite a leap in temperament and care, but we figure we could find a way to keep them seperated

You wont find ringtail possums in USA or for that fact, many other possum species other than the sugar glider and your own local opossum species.

This is a good thing actually, as the ringtail diet consists mostly of native plants which would be difficult to find over there.

Aww! Well it was worth a shot haha, I'd rather get something awesome that I can take care of than someone awesome that I can't provide what it needs
Aug 20 2009
01:32:24 PM
Chandra Joey 28 Posts
There are so many neat things out there. We stuck with our sugargliders, easy to care for compared to many exotic species. My uncle lives here in WI,And he raises so many species of animals and birds, i love going to his place. Next year we are going to go to the zoo auction with him, it will just be a blast to see all the difrent species of animals, and exciting.
Aug 21 2009
07:15:17 AM
leahburk Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit leahburk's Photo Album USA 1192 Posts
They are very cute! I would love to go to Australia! We should all get together and form a field trip.
Possum Species - Friendliest

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Possum Species - Friendliest