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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
??....Infected pouch...??
??....Infected pouch...??
Health related
Feb 16 2010
09:59:49 AM
I was wondering if someone can post me some pictures of what a infected pouch looks like. I tried looking up some pictures on the internet but couldn't really find any.
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Feb 16 2010
10:03:59 AM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
There aren't many out there. You'd probably see redness, discharge and it might be "crusty" looking. If you have any doubt, you should go to a vet and get it cultured. It could be a yeast infection.
Health related
Feb 16 2010
10:06:32 AM
tootles Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap tootles's Journal 1981 Posts
I agree
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Feb 16 2010
10:34:04 AM
Breezysam Joey Visit Breezysam's Photo Album 14 Posts
Oh no, I don't think she has one.. I can see in her pouch after her babies have been nursing and it looks swollen but I figure that is just because of her milk glands. It isn't red or crusty and there is no discharge at all.
I just realized that I really didn't know what a infected pouch looks like and I wanted to know for future reference.
Oh and I was wondering how long after she stops nursing will her pouch slit heal? It has stretched a bit from the babies.
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Feb 16 2010
10:57:58 AM
renee14150 Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit renee14150's Photo Album 1850 Posts
My baby is almost 8wks oop and I was feeling so bad for mama!! I could tell when baby had been nursing - mama's pouch was so streached out and did look irritated but not infected - about a week ago I noticed that wasn't happening anymore. The slit is pretty well closed altho her belly is still a bit saggy.
I hope she gets her figure back!! lol
Health related
Feb 16 2010
11:38:27 AM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
I caught some discolored pouch action in this photo. This is normal and nothing to worry on. It will be very moist in there and could be all sorts of mayhem depending on how good momma cleans.

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Feb 16 2010
12:24:35 PM
Megs06 BANNED_ACCOUNT Gliderpedia Editor Visit Megs06's Photo Album USA 1 Posts
Oh I am so glad I have 2 girls. I would freak out if I saw a pouch looking like that. I'd be hauling butt to get to the vet, all so that I can get laughed at, I'm sure. XD
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Feb 16 2010
01:03:19 PM
Breezysam Joey Visit Breezysam's Photo Album 14 Posts
Ya see that is about what hers looks like.. It kind of freaked me out because the last female that I had only had one baby and the pouch didn't get that stretched out.
The babies are getting about as big as her. They have grown sooo fast!!
??....Infected pouch...??

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
??....Infected pouch...??