There is another thread running to "show your tent".
One thing to look for in a tent is lots of screen for gliders to climb on. I have used two tents - the Genji seems to be the "glider parent favorite" but I like my new Pacific Play Tent better. It is more compact and I can reach gliders anywhere in the tent to pet them or offer a treat.
Here are the two screen tents side by side - Genji on the left, Pacific Play Tent on the right.
I have an old quilt cut and hemmed to fit the play tent. It catches the glider pee and poo. I take it out side and shake it out frequently and just toss it in the washer weekly when I wash glider pouches to make a full glider load of wash. I also keep a towel handy in the tent to wipe up glider markings left on me when necessary. It happens!