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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
modify a tent for gliders
modify a tent for gliders
Apr 25 2010
03:12:50 AM
Hello I had heard about "tent time" for sugar gliders, because my gliders are starting to trust more and bond more with me(Ive had them for 3 months) I decided to take the next step and try and give them some more freedom.

well I cant let then glide around my apartment and urinate/defecate everywhere because of the fact my apartment is small and its a studio so they could easily go to the kitchen and under the stove.

anyways I couldnt find any sugar glider specific tents, Im surprised an online glider store hasnt designed one ye, so I went to the store and bought a 6x5 foot tent and then set it up.

I noticed the problems right away the gliders couldnt grab on to the smooth material on the tent, they were urinating (I guess they were nervous to be in a new setting) and the urine would drip on the plastic tarp or my head :(

Being new to this I would like to get some input on experienced glider owners to give me advice on what I should do to modify the tent and make this experience more enjoyable and worthwhile for me and my two gliders.

If a manufacturer has designed a glider specific tent also let me know,

Apr 25 2010
03:19:43 AM
KuroNeko Fuzzy Wuzzy Gliderpedia Editor Visit KuroNeko's Photo Album USA 1617 Posts
I think there was a prior post from Kazko about modifying tents for gliders. i'll see if i can find it

Ok, here it is:

Edited by - KuroNeko on Apr 25 2010 03:27:31 AM
Apr 25 2010
03:55:02 AM
snusie Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit snusie's Photo Album snusie's Journal USA 2962 Posts
No one's designed a tent specifically for gliders, but this is the next best thing: The drawbacks are that you'll have to sew loops on the inside seams to hang toys and vines, and that the very top isn't all screen. The benefits: the interior is almost completely screen, so there's a lot of room for running around, and good air circulation; it sets up in literally seconds and can be taken down and put away in less than a minute; and it can be stored just about anywhere. Mine's under the futon. It doesn't cost too much, $39.95; but shipping is high -- $15.95. Altogether, though, it's been well worth the cost. Tent time is great!
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Apr 25 2010
08:08:39 AM
sweetcarolinasuggies Glider GliderMap Visit sweetcarolinasuggies's Photo Album 71 Posts
does anyone got a picture of a tent i always just set my babies loose in there bedroom but a tent would be awesome
Apr 25 2010
09:02:09 AM
Goldwinger Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Goldwinger's Photo Album Goldwinger's Journal VA, USA 1369 Posts
The Genji tent is really the best tent around for gliders

When I bought my tent I knew nothing of the Genji so I just went to Walmart and bought a $20.00 floor tent that I could keep up in my house. This is mine and how I fixed it up for my gliders.

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Apr 25 2010
11:17:16 AM
Candy Cuddle Bear Visit Candy's Photo Album FL, USA 8110 Posts
There is another thread running to "show your tent".

One thing to look for in a tent is lots of screen for gliders to climb on. I have used two tents - the Genji seems to be the "glider parent favorite" but I like my new Pacific Play Tent better. It is more compact and I can reach gliders anywhere in the tent to pet them or offer a treat.

Here are the two screen tents side by side - Genji on the left, Pacific Play Tent on the right.

I have an old quilt cut and hemmed to fit the play tent. It catches the glider pee and poo. I take it out side and shake it out frequently and just toss it in the washer weekly when I wash glider pouches to make a full glider load of wash. I also keep a towel handy in the tent to wipe up glider markings left on me when necessary. It happens!
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Apr 25 2010
11:59:31 AM
jumperclimber Starting Member 2 Posts
thanks for all the replies everybody Im getting some good ideas here.

:) I wish I would have found this forum before buying the tent.
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Apr 25 2010
12:52:52 PM
Megs06 BANNED_ACCOUNT Gliderpedia Editor Visit Megs06's Photo Album USA 1 Posts
Until you're able to get one of these tents, you can do what I've done:

I made a fleece braided rope and clipped it onto the loop that's on the top center inside the cage. I have a small blanket I care nothing about and just throw that on the floor of the tent. I also bring in paper towels just in case. I don't have any pics of the inside of my tent, but I hope that gave you some visuals.
modify a tent for gliders

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
modify a tent for gliders