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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
The A&E Corner Aviary: assembly nightmare
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The A&E Corner Aviary: assembly nightmare
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Nov 03 2010
09:52:30 PM
fbicking Joey United States 11 Posts
Got my three this cage last night. What fun it was to watch them see the size of the play area. I put some java branches for them to jump to. I am using small chains across the top for hanging. Also hanging toys from the Java branches. I did modify the doors to open like a regular door rather then lifting them. They were very loud to lift. I got very lucky that A&E is only 22 miles from my house so I paid no shipping just picked it up. I have put two stealth wheels in that are side mount. Not sure i would put them to high as the wire is not as high Gage as some cages.

In the end I would give the cage and B+. As for the hours spent watching my three play in this thing that would be an A+++.
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Nov 04 2010
12:28:14 AM
Span Glider Visit Span's Photo Album 192 Posts
I've read on another forum that you can use magnetic hooks from home depot to hang things from the ceiling.
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Nov 04 2010
12:57:59 AM
fbicking Joey United States 11 Posts
That's a great idea. I have seen them but did not think of that. Thanks for the tip.

The A&E Corner Aviary: assembly nightmare
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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
The A&E Corner Aviary: assembly nightmare