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Sugar Gliders
Bald spot got bigger
Bald spot got bigger
Apr 10 2011
11:55:11 AM

I bought a male glider about three weeks ago and he had his normal bald spot on his head. Two days ago I bought him a female companion so he wont be alone. They got along great and he rubbed his head all over her for a while the first day. They play together, eat together and sleep on the same pouches but now I noticed the bald spot on his head got bigger. Is this ok? They both are eating great I make prepare fruits, veggies, calcium and vitamins weekly.

Edited by - xglider18 on Apr 10 2011 12:54:19 PM
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Apr 10 2011
12:00:37 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
I'm sure he's just producing more hormones. The bald spot isn't actually "bald". It's fur that's matted/separated from secretions.
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Apr 10 2011
12:19:39 PM
slave4suggies Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit slave4suggies's Photo Album USA 1101 Posts
Just as kyro said, I'm sure he's just on overload right now.

A little off topic but, you say you just got her 2 days ago? Which means you didn't quaranteen them . I sure hope it all works out for you. If you have any questions feel free to ask
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Apr 10 2011
12:24:40 PM
peppy Face Hugger GliderMap Visit peppy's Photo Album 481 Posts
I'm sure he is fine. But you need to get them both into the vet asap to rule out any illnesses. If the female has any parasites chances are they both could have them now.. even if she seems fine.. they can hide illnesses till its too late. Next time you add more gliders please do quarantine.. new gliders in separate cages in separate rooms.
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Apr 10 2011
12:55:58 PM
xglider18 Glider Visit xglider18's Photo Album FL, USA 57 Posts
I have been looking at pictures of other males and their bald spot is the same size of my male glider so I think he will be fine. Thank you I will post pics of both soon.
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Apr 10 2011
05:34:34 PM
Candy Cuddle Bear Visit Candy's Photo Album FL, USA 8110 Posts
You probably also need to arrange to have him neutered ASAP - There is a lot involved in allowing your gliders to breed, starting with making sure they are not related.

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Apr 10 2011
06:12:05 PM
roowhisperer Joey GliderMap Visit roowhisperer's Photo Album Australia 17 Posts
hehehehe, don't worry, he's becoming the man!!!! cute!!
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Apr 10 2011
06:28:01 PM
xglider18 Glider Visit xglider18's Photo Album FL, USA 57 Posts
They aren't related. They were purchased from different breeders in different cities.
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Apr 10 2011
09:00:30 PM
Candy Cuddle Bear Visit Candy's Photo Album FL, USA 8110 Posts
If you were not given a written lineage for each glider, you can not be sure your gliders are not related. Breeders exchange gliders or may have purchased their breeding gliders from the same breeders anywhere in the country. Just because they came from different cities does not mean your gliders are not related.

Bald spot got bigger

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Bald spot got bigger