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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Gliders in the car!!
Gliders in the car!!
Apr 28 2011
04:47:00 PM

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Apr 28 2011
04:49:26 PM
carlygirl91 Super Glider GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit carlygirl91's Photo Album 313 Posts
GAH adorable babies you have!!

But beware letting them loose in your car...a clients called before with their glider getting stuck behind the dash or getting caught under the seat etc

They really are too cute!
Apr 28 2011
05:03:01 PM
Omis n Kais g-ma Pouch Protector Visit Omis n Kais g-ma's Photo Album TX, USA 7524 Posts
That is too funny! Reminds me of the other day when I took Kai out of his pouch and stuck him to the roof of the car. Inside of course.
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Apr 28 2011
05:53:32 PM
Faerie Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Faerie's Photo Album 1833 Posts
How adorable!!
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Apr 28 2011
05:54:57 PM
Ikaria Face Hugger Visit Ikaria's Photo Album WI, USA 732 Posts
I love the first picture! Too cute.
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Apr 28 2011
06:47:33 PM
xxacidxrainx Super Glider Visit xxacidxrainx's Photo Album 271 Posts
Cute pictures! You have a Kia! So do I! lol
Apr 28 2011
07:39:25 PM
Catman Goose Catcher GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Catman's Photo Album CO, USA 2670 Posts
Cars are not glider friendly be careful!!A lot of places they can hide where you can't get to them, without dismantling parts.

Cute rearview picture.

Kia's can go 160 Mph?

Edited by - Catman on Apr 28 2011 07:40:13 PM
Apr 28 2011
09:12:20 PM
countrysuggieluvrs Super Glider GliderMap Visit countrysuggieluvrs's Photo Album USA 268 Posts
Scary for me, but I do have to admit cute.
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Apr 28 2011
09:26:52 PM
HeatherBarr Super Glider Visit HeatherBarr's Photo Album USA 292 Posts
They were just out for the pictures I wouldn't let them run free though. They stay in my shirt all day. oh and yea I have a kia and I havent tried getting it to 160 but it might!! lol
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Apr 28 2011
10:07:28 PM
misscarl Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit misscarl's Photo Album USA 1169 Posts
super cute. but as has been said, be careful. when i got my first glider she got BEHIND the cd player and we had to take the dash apart to get to her. needless to say i was panicking like crazy.
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Apr 28 2011
11:24:24 PM
Dd Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit Dd's Photo Album USA 1135 Posts
How adorable I love these pictures look at them driving all grown up ma!! Lol I have a Kia two aren't they great cars
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Apr 30 2011
01:45:08 PM
filly47 Goofy Gorillatoes Gliderpedia Editor Visit filly47's Photo Album USA 2330 Posts
As cute as your babies are, I want to just warn you to be very careful about the sunlight-it can really hurt their sensitive eyes if they are in direct sunlight for long periods of time. Also be careful that your gliders don't run and hide somewhere in the car's wiring!
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Apr 30 2011
05:13:09 PM
HeatherBarr Super Glider Visit HeatherBarr's Photo Album USA 292 Posts
Thanks I had no Idea about sunlight!!
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Apr 30 2011
07:35:28 PM
filly47 Goofy Gorillatoes Gliderpedia Editor Visit filly47's Photo Album USA 2330 Posts
I'm not trying to down the cuteness and your love, but it is something I have to warn about as a concerned glider momma myself!
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Apr 30 2011
07:38:24 PM
Dd Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit Dd's Photo Album USA 1135 Posts
I second that sunlight is bad
Apr 30 2011
08:57:14 PM
dparr Super Glider Visit dparr's Photo Album 264 Posts
I was wondering if anybody has evidence about sunlight being harmful? I'm not trying to challenge it or anything, but I'm always trying to learn as much as possible and like to see the facts. Have there been specific cases where it was shown to be bad or something that makes people say that? If anybody could point me in the right direction for further reading I would appreciate it. :)
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Apr 30 2011
09:05:57 PM
DizzyPo Fuzzy Wuzzy Gliderpedia Editor USA 1241 Posts
Sunlight kills my eyes. I don't remember what it's called, but I have to wear sunglasses with uv protection and something else any time I'm outside or my eyeballs fry.
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Apr 30 2011
09:14:00 PM
Dd Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit Dd's Photo Album USA 1135 Posts
Do u have light eyes
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Apr 30 2011
09:41:47 PM
DizzyPo Fuzzy Wuzzy Gliderpedia Editor USA 1241 Posts
I have blue eyes, yes.
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Apr 30 2011
09:53:23 PM
Dd Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit Dd's Photo Album USA 1135 Posts
That's why blue and green eyed people have the worst case of burning eyes in the sun mine are blue green hazel and constantly change from light, dark, grey, green, dark green causing me to get horrible heat headaches so it's just an eye color thing bc light eyes let more sun in were brown resists it
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Apr 30 2011
09:59:11 PM
DizzyPo Fuzzy Wuzzy Gliderpedia Editor USA 1241 Posts
Yeah, i know all that... it's just frustrated cuz i'm mixed races and my brothers don't have this problem at all! it's not fair!
Apr 30 2011
10:02:46 PM
Rita Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Rita's Photo Album Rita's Journal MO, USA 12214 Posts
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by dparr</i>
<br />I was wondering if anybody has evidence about sunlight being harmful? I'm not trying to challenge it or anything, but I'm always trying to learn as much as possible and like to see the facts. Have there been specific cases where it was shown to be bad or something that makes people say that? If anybody could point me in the right direction for further reading I would appreciate it. :)
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Keep in mind that sugar gliders are nocturnal animals. Their eyes are made for night life. They instinctively want to go to bed when it starts to get light outside. Nocturnal animals have larger eyes in comparison to their facial size and have excellent night vision.

This wikipedia article isnt about sugar gliders per se, but nocturnal animals:
May 01 2011
11:54:03 AM
Omis n Kais g-ma Pouch Protector Visit Omis n Kais g-ma's Photo Album TX, USA 7524 Posts
Yeah, blue and green-eyed people have less pigment in their eyes that protect the eyeball. It lets in more sunlight or just light. Dizzy, what two races are you?<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by DizzyPo</i>
<br />Yeah, i know all that... it's just frustrated cuz i'm mixed races and my brothers don't have this problem at all! it's not fair!
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
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May 01 2011
12:15:05 PM
DizzyPo Fuzzy Wuzzy Gliderpedia Editor USA 1241 Posts
A few eastern european, some type of native american dont remember what, and black.
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May 02 2011
03:29:06 PM
fazioli Face Hugger Visit fazioli's Photo Album 906 Posts
Another point to make, I have seen plenty of people posting pics on here where they have used the flash on their cameras. I think that is a really bad idea. Their eyes are not made to take flashes of light to them, and you know what it's like to have your pic taken with the flash right in your eyes. I don't know of any factual things, but since everyone is talking about the sunlight everyone should keep in mind about the flashes of cameras and turn the flashes off before snapping any pics of your suggies.
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May 02 2011
03:44:53 PM
KneeLee Super Glider Visit KneeLee's Photo Album USA 333 Posts
There was a post here on GG a while ago that had the same debate on the flash of cameras. I don't think it's going to hurt them if it's just an occasional flash...
(Though I don't own a camera... I always just use the camera on my phone.)
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May 02 2011
03:53:34 PM
fazioli Face Hugger Visit fazioli's Photo Album 906 Posts
I have seen some closeup pics with the flash on, so I would assume it is going to hurt their eyes. I just posted another forum topic on this subject, so maybe some other people can offer their opinions as well. I always make sure I have the flash off when I take the pics.
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May 02 2011
04:35:28 PM
DoubleBogey Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit DoubleBogey's Photo Album USA 1244 Posts
Just another point to offer - how many rescues have you guys seen that are blind? Suggies that have a white eye or two white eyes...I wonder how prominent this is to the compared to capativity.

Something to noodle on. Since there is only...30 years of captive data (which is a drop in the bucket vs. 2000 years with's hard to KNOW).
Gliders in the car!!

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Gliders in the car!!