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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
I have a question about lights and gliders.
I have a question about lights and gliders.
Jun 28 2011
12:40:50 PM

I have a glider room for my gliders and this may be a stupid question but I'm going to ask anyway at night do they need a night light to see and play around the room? Right now I have 2 tiny little blue night lights in there for them. Also I was wondering if it would be ok if I had a dimmed light in the room while I'm in there playing with them. I go in now and leave a hallway light on so I can see a little bit but I would like to see better I just don't want to hurt their eyes.
When people do bathroom time do you leave the light on?
One more sorry, what about camera flashes??

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Jun 28 2011
12:46:31 PM
Tikisuggs Glider Visit Tikisuggs's Photo Album 119 Posts
I have a Glider room as well, it has a closet in the room though. I usally just leave the closet light on while im in there so that I can see & play with them. But no, they are completly nocturnal & need no light to see [: but night lights are fine if you want to leave them on. & When I take pictures I use the flash, as long as it is not for a long period of time & only every once in a while. I do know that it can cause damage to there night vision if they are exposed to it too often.
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Jun 28 2011
12:47:36 PM
Tikisuggs Glider Visit Tikisuggs's Photo Album 119 Posts
I think a dimmer light would be great in the room(Sorry didnt read that part.), like I said, I leave the closet light on so that I can see hahaha!
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Jun 28 2011
12:51:14 PM
HeatherBarr Super Glider Visit HeatherBarr's Photo Album USA 292 Posts
Cool thanks! My closet dosen't have a light :(
Jun 28 2011
01:54:06 PM
Crittersmom Joey Visit Crittersmom's Photo Album 22 Posts
From what I understand gliders can't see red light, someone correct me if I'm wrong. I use a lamp that I put a red light bulb in for bathroom time, it doesn't seem to affect him at all and I can see everything great.
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Jun 28 2011
02:13:28 PM
BookGoddes Face Hugger Visit BookGoddes's Photo Album 482 Posts
I do not think you need to leave a light on in there! They are nocturnal and on the best of nights they have moonlight. You gave them a huge window and so they will get some light from there at night as well. What I would give for a glider room like yours! LOL

I worry about flashing them as well, so far I have not noticed them acting differently after but goodness some flash photography makes me blind for a minute so I have to think it is not fun for them either... to say the least. During our play time we have a few wall lamps we light and it is not bright.
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Jun 28 2011
02:32:44 PM
Aud Glider Visit Aud's Photo Album FL, USA 153 Posts
Wow awesome jealous! I leave a hall light on during play time. I know he doesn't need it but I love to see him play!
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Jun 28 2011
03:23:49 PM
TazandEllie Face Hugger TazandEllie's Journal 467 Posts
I have to keep a night light on at night for Ellie. She is scared of the dark. lol. I forgot to turn it on the other night and my son passed the cage to go to the kitchen and she started barking and wouldnt stop til I came down to turn it on. After that she was fine. Told my son he scared her!!
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Jun 29 2011
12:53:22 AM
LuuLuu Face Hugger GliderMap Visit LuuLuu's Photo Album USA 970 Posts
can I just say WOW that's an incredible and AWESOME pic of the room!
Jun 29 2011
04:18:16 AM
akane Starting Member Visit akane's Photo Album 2 Posts
Those big eyes are so they can see on the darkest nights even when other animals we consider as being able to see in the dark are having problems. They don't need any light at all. Humans do on the other hand so small amounts of light to see them and play with them are fine. Blue or red light is less disturbing to night vision and nocturnal animals. We use blue lights called moon lights for viewing nocturnal plecos and other fish in aquariums and saltwater people use it to view corals and other organisms. Mine go back to their pouches or sit in their wheel not moving if you get the room too bright while they are awake.
I have a question about lights and gliders.

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
I have a question about lights and gliders.