Seems you are steadily going backwards with your baby and handling.
She won't now even come to your hand so you can make her climb in your palm before she gets out of cage. She may be telling you something. BACK OFF.
If she allows you to rub her feet while sleeping in pouch then ONLY do that for awhile. It will help her get use to your hands again as she runs and hides from you as you approach her cage at night. Question: Do you turn a bright light on before you go to her cage?
Second: You can try this as you are rubbing her feet. Slide your other hand under her and at first leave your hand still, after a few times if she tolerates it then raise hand straight up a very little. Again hold it still. Eventually you hopefully can raise her all the way up to top of pouch. You may want to have a fleece glider scent blanket under her and put hand even under that.
Very important: If she jumps out of hand or wakes up and moves DO NOT chase her in pouch trying to slip your hand under her. Hold both hands still until she settles down and gets comfortable then after feet rubbing and a few minutes later try again.
If this doesn't work then switch to just having a hand or fist placed next to her. She may(if wakes up) go and nudge under your hand to sleep.
If you do anything at night just give treats through cage bars if she comes to the front of cage or walk by her cage and talk to her. Let her see you without trying to hold, or grabbing her.
When you put food dish in if she is awake you can offer the dish so she can get a favorite food, if dish is large(long) so your hands aren't close to her. If she refuses put down and leave. Eventually and after she comes to get a bite you may get to pet while she is eating.