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Sugar Gliders
Going from meal worms to other grubs
Going from meal worms to other grubs
Food, Diet
Feb 15 2013
06:14:17 AM
My gliders are rescues. I have had them a month and they have done awesome with the transition! I am new to glider raising and I have a question. I know their diet is fine because we already took a check up visit to the vet. :) When I got my gliders from the previous care taker, I was told to feed no more than 6 meal worms a day per glider (not sure why). I am using the canned dead worms. Not dried but non-living. I just reticently purchased snails and silkworms to switch their diet up a bit and give them a wider variety. Do I also stick with the 6 each for these new grubs? I am not sure what to do.
Food, Diet
Feb 15 2013
09:33:18 AM
JazzNZoeysmom Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit JazzNZoeysmom's Photo Album USA 5354 Posts
Personally I wouldn't stick to anything unless who ever told me the info. can give me a reason...but that's just me.

Most people say to limit mealworms because they are fatty and not a substantial source of protein. They also say they will fill up on the mealies and not eat their staple.

I can promise you, gliders are just fine and they eat more than 6 mealies a day. And they always eat all of their dinner.

As far as other worms...I have never offered snails. I have offered silk worms and my gliders wouldn't eat them. They seemed to be bitter...

The one glider I have that attempted to eat the silk worms would bite, then shake his head like he bit into something not so great. And none of them liked to hold them. They would shake their paws like a cat that stepped in water. I think because they are "sticky" the gliders didn't like the feel of them. But if yours decide they like them, if it were me, I'd only give one or two...they are quite a bit bigger than mealies and I would imagine one would fill a tiny glider tummy in no time.

Other than that I think there is a place, maybe even on here where you can look up the nutritional value of insects. That may help answer your questions as to how many to feed.
Food, Diet
Feb 15 2013
10:10:18 AM
Candy Cuddle Bear Visit Candy's Photo Album FL, USA 8110 Posts
One caution on the canned meal worms - especially if you are limiting your gliders to 6 per day - Keep the opened can in the freezer.

Once the can is opened the meal worms begin to smell really awful and because they are moist, they can grow mold very quickly.

Freezing the open can keeps them from smelling and growing mold.

Are you feeding a staple (like BML, HPW etc) fruits and vegetables along with the mealworms/snails/silk worms?

A good staple will ensure your glider's need for protein is met, along with adequate calcium and vitamins.
Food, Diet
Feb 15 2013
10:58:33 AM
sleighr Face Hugger Visit sleighr's Photo Album AZ, USA 648 Posts
Ok now I am curiouser. The gal that told me six a day limit is a bird freak. Her experience was that birds can get bound up on the exoskeleton of the worms if you feed more than that. Gliders being nothing like birds would process hard to digest material differently I am sure. Just always kinda stuck to the six every other day thing. As another side note, I have never offered the kids anything but mealies, crickets and wild grasshoppers in season. watching the kids pounce on one of those monster hoppers is quite a kick. Any other bugs they like?
Food, Diet
Feb 15 2013
11:13:08 AM
Off10h8ed Glider GliderMap Visit Off10h8ed's Photo Album 55 Posts
Originally posted by Candy

One caution on the canned meal worms - especially if you are limiting your gliders to 6 per day - Keep the opened can in the freezer.

Once the can is opened the meal worms begin to smell really awful and because they are moist, they can grow mold very quickly.

Freezing the open can keeps them from smelling and growing mold.

Are you feeding a staple (like BML, HPW etc) fruits and vegetables along with the mealworms/snails/silk worms?

A good staple will ensure your glider's need for protein is met, along with adequate calcium and vitamins.

I keep them in the meal worms in the refrigerator and rotate them out about every 4-5 days. I waste a lot of worms this way. I didn't know I could freeze the open can. Thanks! I am not feeding BML or HPW. I am feeding them what they have been fed this past year since weaning. 1 protein, 2 veggies, 3 fruits, 6 meal worms, snacks and a pinch of calcium and a pinch of gilder vitamins. Water is 1/2 filtered water and 1/2 Gatorade. For protein I use egg, chicken or baby food meats. Fruits and veggies are mostly fresh with the occasional use of baby foods.
Food, Diet
Feb 15 2013
11:33:59 AM
JazzNZoeysmom Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit JazzNZoeysmom's Photo Album USA 5354 Posts
If you're interested in live mealies you may want to try Camillies. I'll post a link. They are easy to care for & I think most gliders prefer them to dried or canned.

Going from meal worms to other grubs

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Going from meal worms to other grubs