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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Straw curl how to!
Straw curl how to!
Jan 09 2014
02:24:39 PM
Okay, so here are the supplies you will need: a straw, a pair of scissors, and a pencil sharpener. If you use a thicker straw like a boba straw, you will need a pencil sharpener with an opening that will allow for the larger straw.

Next, if you have a bendy straw, cut off the bendy part.

Place the straw into the pencil sharpener at an angle, carefully turn the straw while pressing the end against the blade in the sharpener until the makes a slice.

Once your sharpener slices into your straw, begin turning straw as you advance it into the sharpener. You can control how big or little your "curls" are by adjusting the angle that you hold your straw. Holding at a sharper angle will produce more cuts and smaller "curls".

Continue advancing and turning straw until you reach the end. The end is a little tricky. You can either try to get it all to go through the pencil sharpener, or just cut it off. I usually turn the sharpener around and just slow turn the end of the straw to take the cut to the end. Call me cheap, I don't want to waste any part of my straw. I'll figure out how to use the cut off bendy parts for something!

If you gently pull on the ends, you'll see that your straw is now actually a big long, spiral curl. How cool is that?!

Make a bunch of them, then cinch them together in the middle with a small zip tie, and you can attach them to toys or plastic chain with a small plastic c-ring or even another zip tie. I love these things!

I can't take credit for this idea though. I recently bought a toy from a lady who makes suggie toys and she had a bunch of purple straws like this dangling from the bottom of the toy. I kept wondering how in the world she did that. So I got on You Tube and what do you know, someone has made a video about how to do it. You gotta love You Tube.

Jan 09 2014
08:19:32 PM
Breanna428 Joey Visit Breanna428's Photo Album Breanna428's Journal SC, USA 48 Posts
Ha ha wow that's creative and cool my suggies don't play with any toys I buy them they are grumpy adults and only play with their wheel and ball pit well sleep in it lol
Jan 09 2014
08:21:30 PM
Kelse Joey 33 Posts
Originally posted by Breanna428

Ha ha wow that's creative and cool my suggies don't play with any toys I buy them they are grumpy adults and only play with their wheel and ball pit well sleep in it lol

Haha, same here, they like tent time and playing on the wheel and that's about it.
Jan 09 2014
08:36:22 PM
ZeldaandPeach@home Glider Visit ZeldaandPeach@home's Photo Album 193 Posts
Amazing! Im going to do this somethie I bet the go CRAZY!!
Jan 09 2014
10:39:11 PM
hypnotist321 Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit hypnotist321's Photo Album hypnotist321's Journal 1742 Posts
Thanks! That's the first NEW new idea I've seen in ages
Jan 10 2014
10:43:27 AM
RoseWithWings Glider Visit RoseWithWings's Photo Album 59 Posts
How does the ball pit work? I tried it last night with Poms and my little ones were more interested in the bowl they were in then the balls.
Jan 10 2014
10:50:07 AM
Fionabear Glider Visit Fionabear's Photo Album 105 Posts
Thanks that's awesome!!! I always wondered how to do that!!
Jan 10 2014
10:58:07 AM
NerdyHails Face Hugger Visit NerdyHails's Photo Album NerdyHails's Journal FL, USA 566 Posts
Best thing for the ball pit is to put a few cat balls in there with the bells.... They love if you drop a meal worm in there or yogurt drops.... :D
Jan 10 2014
11:35:04 AM
shannonlcorum Face Hugger Visit shannonlcorum's Photo Album 538 Posts
I hide white chocolate chips or plain cheerios in mine. Doesn't seem to matter where I hide things, they find them.

They will explore everything from the basket to the stuff in it. I usually have 2 baskets. One has pompoms and small fleece scraps (like 1/2 inch by 2 inch pieces) and the other has plastic ping pong balls. I think they like things to forage through and also that make noise, as long as it's not loud noise. Putting a toy that makes noise if you hit a button will probably not be a good idea. But beads on strings and stuff like that are good. Plastic easter eggs work well too. I'm going to start on some easter stuff and change out their toys.

I took some fleece and sewed a plastic grocery bag inside two layers and made a semi-tunnel. I was afraid to make a solid tunnel because I didn't know if the tunnel would get too warm because of the plastic or if they'd get stuck and suffocate (probably being paranoid) so I just folded the material in half and stitched the two ends. They can go in the openings in the ends, or climb in and out from the top. I think they like the crunching noise it makes when they get in it. I can tell in the mornings that they had played in it because the fabric and mishapen a bit.

I am going to start trying to post small tutorials when I make things to help others out.
Jan 10 2014
11:46:26 AM
NerdyHails Face Hugger Visit NerdyHails's Photo Album NerdyHails's Journal FL, USA 566 Posts
These are the photos of the ball pit I made for Harley Quinn

Jan 10 2014
12:04:46 PM
shannonlcorum Face Hugger Visit shannonlcorum's Photo Album 538 Posts
The one with Harley buried under the balls where all you can see is her one eye reminds me of being a kid in a ball pit. Did you ever get in one and it seemed like matter how much you struggled to get out, you just kept sinking deeper?
Jan 10 2014
12:50:32 PM
NerdyHails Face Hugger Visit NerdyHails's Photo Album NerdyHails's Journal FL, USA 566 Posts
Child hood memories serve me well with ball pits... I ran from my parents and hung out in them at chucky cheese's. Good times great oldies!
Straw curl how to!

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Straw curl how to!