When i got my nibbles i noticed her belly wasnt white like the others, its more of a yellowish color, at first i thought maybe her fur was pee stained, but i examined her and it the fur around her ears is more of a yellowish color also. I thought she was just a little different. But then i was reading a post which mentioned a study on yellow bellied gliders. And nibbles came to mind. Could she possibly be a yellow bellied glider? or is she s regular glider wish yellow fur? and if thats the case whats the difference between yellow bellied gliders and just gliders with yellow bellies!? I havent done much research on yellow bellied gliders yet, because of lack of time( i have to leave to run errends pretty soon),so i thought id ask here to see if i can get some responses while i am away.
ahhh let me see if i can find a good pic of her, there are pics up but she has been real camera shy. and yes this time i am sure of the sex of my glider! lol unlike bumbum :) she is a she, i have seen the pouch slit, and she doesnt have a little sac, and the previous owner said she has bad joeys before.
The yellow looks much like a male who is heavily marking. How long have you had her? If not long, it is possible she is simply dirty from a heavily marking male in her previous life. Females do have marking glands as well and perhaps hers has been active. I'll bet a warm bath and some grooming would clean her up. I got hold of two females recently and I am now sure that one is a male and I am beginning to think the other is a male too, both neutered of course.
And of course, it seems to me thet Bum Bum is simply marking her. Newly merged m/f pairs will often over react and "get dirty" for awhile. I'll bet he's super happy to have her.
marking of another male could be possible, she was with 6 other gliders which i do not know the sex of. I have only had her for about a month or so. and she has been with a neutered male since i got her. ive introduced my non neutered male to her and he marks a lot but that wasnt untill this past week or so. And shes been like this since i got her. I am sure she is a female, She doesnt have the little testicle sac like the others do.and the previous owner said she has had babies before. so unless she grabed me the wrong one, and the little testicle sac got ripped off and the slit on her tummy is a scratch which never healed shes a girl :)
I will try to give her a bath, she has just now as of yesterday let me fully pet her. We shall see how that goes. the only thing bum bum does to her is groom her. he doesnt try to mark her like the other one does.
I'm not sure, but discoloration like that could also be from poor diet(It seems like anything could be), were they on a bad one? One at all? It does look like the yellow males get from marking so I'm going to assume she's either just dirty or makrs a lot. You could try (If she is tame enough) washing her with a warm damp towel.
o and yes he seems supper happy to have her. they love sleeping together,they are always wrapped up in each others arms and he loves to groom her. But i have been having play dates with bum bum and crabby, my 2 males, and lol bum bum seems to play more with the mal! I think he's gay :) or tramatized from being neutered. :)lol jk.
yeah i am going to try the damp towel, but im not sure if she will do it for me. But its worth a try. They were on the bml diet. Which is what mine are on now( even though im not sure its the best for gliders) can females mark, and discolor themselves? If a neutered male were to try and mark would it discolor?
Surprisingly I dont have any good photos of scent glands oozing as they do, but heres one of a boy all angsted up from the boy in the next cage. He's the same yellow around his chest gland because of his scaled-up output.
yeah mine isnt that big :) she is about the same size as the others, just has brownish fur and a yellow belly. Now that i have looked at some site about yellow bellied gliders i dont think mine is one, unless shes a runt and isnt gonna grow to their normal size! So when i get home I will try to rub her down with a damp wash cloth, and see if anything comes off. Should it all come off within the first wash, or should i wash her several times? does any one else on here own brown fur yellow belly sugar gliders?
That's called a "cinnamon" color. I have 2 of them. It's closer to their natural color in the wild, and it makes them cost more from breeders. There are also "blonde" colored gliders. I haven't seen one of those yet unless they're referring to a creamino, which cost anywhere from $7,000 up. He looks just like my Jay but Jay is darker.
yeah ive only seen the blonde ones online, It would be interesting if anyone had one here. I am about to atempt to give her a bath so we shall see how that works out.
wel i tried the bath but she would only let me rub her back and the sides, with some nibbles on my finger of course! good thing she doesnt bite hard. but nothing came off when i rubbed the sides.
Coloration in gliders is weird. I bought two so-called cinammon ones a while back and now they changed to grey with cream bellies. I would not recommend paying a premium for color in young suggies in case they change over time like mine did.
its been 2 months or so, and she is still differently colored. The top of her is cinnimon color, and the bottom is yellow bellies. i paid $75 for her, not too worried :)
Good deal! She sounds beautiful. Mine are all different colors - from grey to brown to cinammon. But I love them all. I'm glad they are different colors because it's easier to tell them apart that way :-)
thank you. I really do love her color. I do love them being different colors much much easier to tell apart :) right now i have a non neutered gray boy and a neutered gray boy, so one has the bald spot and one doesnt, and my girl is cinnimon. No getting them mixed up here:) so far after 2 months my glider hasnt changed colors, so its not due to diet. But lucky that was probably the case with yours.
Sometimes when it's dark and it's hard to see the color, I can tell them apart by the shape of their heads. Some are pointy, some are boxy and some are snubby. Of course the fertile males are pretty easy to pick out owing to their bald spot and funk! :-)
yeah i do agree, if i have all 3 in their pouch i do have to judge by the heads also. man i could pick out my intact male anywhere. i can always tell what side of the cage he is on by his smell :) he is one smelly little boy.
Same here. But his scent glands go in cycles in synch with the females' estrous. Some researchers say that the male's scent triggers the females cycle. But the smell-o-meter goes down significantly after he has mated. I hear of people spraying them with anti-sting or washing them, but I think that's cruel. They have a scent for a reason! They're always the option to neuter the male if the scent is too much ;-)
i could never wash my glider. I think it would piss him of anyways :) and he would end up spraying more. i havent noticed a cycle yet. how many days/weeks is yours on his cycle? all 3 of my gliders have been in the same cage for a month or more and as far as i know they havent mated yet. So is he spraying a lot to get her attention, so she will mate with him? we do want a few babies, but once we reach out limit we will get him neutered. Until then i am just glad the cage is in the living room, i dont think i could sleep with a smelly cage :) And trust me its not like we dont clean it out :) we clean it on rotaion so that he doesnt feel he has to scent everything again, but even if we clean one toy at a time he will still go overly scent it the min it gets in the cage. Hes like one of those dogs who has to pee on everything :)