trigger Glider  USA 164 Posts That "ugly patchy" glider is a mosaic. It is a color mutation completely seperate from the leucistic. I know I have one here. I also have leu hets here. You can not get mosaic from leu or leu het gliders. Mosaic have NO hets, they have to come from a mosaic parent & if they are a mo they will show mo colors. White mo's are harder to determine as they can be mistaken for leu. The only way you get solid white, (BEW) leucistic gliders are from leu or leu het parents. I am personally friends with several of the breeders of mo's that you claim are lost or destroyed & that is false. Those ugly mo's happen to be quite sought after & cost about $3000 each. I can promise you that all my friends try to save every glider born from standard gray to albino. They are NEVER destroyed, nor purposely lost. I don't know what breeding circles you are running in, but I'm glad it's not the same ones I do. Tortiebaby Glider  IL, USA 159 Posts Kazko and Snusie- where in the world are you getting your information?! It is VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY wrong! I breed for leucistics and mosaics, as well as other colors, and have NEVER lost a joey and sure as hell have never killed on either!  I'm rather offended that anyone would even SUGGEST such a thing! We have 3 leucistics and 5 "ugly patchy gliders"(mosaics, which, imo, are beautiful in every way and happen to be my favorite color!). We've had a total of 2 mosaics born here and 4 leucistics(not counting the non-leu/mosaic joeys born from leu/mosaic parents) and none of our joeys have ever had any health issues or "defects". Here are pictures of all of our leucistics and mosaics. Feel free to tell me if you see anything wrong with them(*rolls eyes*): Gilthanas- WF mosaic/100%(proven) Leu Het
Gollum- Leucistic(born here)
Skylar(the gray one)- Mosaic
Milky Way(Gollum's dad)- Leucistic
Precious(born here)- WF Mosaic/66% Leu Het
Nadine-WF Mosaic
Jewel(born here)- Leucistic/possible mosaic
Bright(born here)- Leucistic/possible mosaic
Godsend(born here)- WF Mosaic
He's too cute for just 1 pic, lol...
And, our latest addition, Samantha(born here)- Leucistic
As you can see, they're all happy and healthy and have all their body parts, lol. *BTW, the glider in that pic above posted by Kazko is not missing ANY legs.
Some photos from our members stepakapets101 Super Glider    Canada 366 Posts <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Tortiebaby</i> <br />Kazko and Snusie- where in the world are you getting your information?! It is VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY wrong! I breed for leucistics and mosaics, as well as other colors, and have NEVER lost a joey and sure as hell have never killed on either!  I'm rather offended that anyone would even SUGGEST such a thing! We have 3 leucistics and 5 "ugly patchy gliders"(mosaics, which, imo, are beautiful in every way and happen to be my favorite color!). We've had a total of 2 mosaics born here and 4 leucistics(not counting the non-leu/mosaic joeys born from leu/mosaic parents) and none of our joeys have ever had any health issues or "defects". Here are pictures of all of our leucistics and mosaics. Feel free to tell me if you see anything wrong with them(*rolls eyes*): As you can see, they're all happy and healthy and have all their body parts, lol. *BTW, the glider in that pic above posted by Kazko is not missing ANY legs. <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> I LOVE YOUR GLIDERS!!! there BEAUTIFUL!! I wish I could colour breed but there isnt alot of breeders up here in canada so its difficult to find the colors, plus buying them is expensive!!! I wish I could have a leu or mosaic there soo beautiful, dont get me wrong I love my greys but I love the color vairations. Tortiebaby Glider  IL, USA 159 Posts Thanks. :) Linzie, I hope those pics help you with your much-needed "leu fix", lol. I've got a lot more where those came from, so feel free to let me know if you need more, haha. Godsend is beautiful!!!! I like him the best lol Tortiebaby Glider  IL, USA 159 Posts <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by noeld2006</i> <br />they are pretty but I would never spend 1000 plus on a sugar glider, especially since so many of them are in animal shelters.....it makes no sense to me. <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> People spend $1000+ on dogs all the time. Why is it so different to spend that much on a glider? Gliders live just as long(if not longer) then a dog, require more effort to care for and raise, and are much harder to breed for... I don't see the price as being outrageous at all. People won't pay more then they want to. ;) If they don't want a $1000 glider then they don't have to buy one, lol. I've gotten some of my gliders for little or no money and some I've paid over $1000(the most expensive was $3300) for. I love them all equally, no matter their color or whether or not they breed. Between hubby and I we have 26 adult gliders and of all those gliders only 13 are breeding gliders and the others are non-breeding(the males are neutered or soon-to-be neutered).
noeld2006 Super Glider    USA 371 Posts <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Tortiebaby</i> <br /><blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by noeld2006</i> <br />they are pretty but I would never spend 1000 plus on a sugar glider, especially since so many of them are in animal shelters.....it makes no sense to me. <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> People spend $1000+ on dogs all the time. Why is it so different to spend that much on a glider? Gliders live just as long(if not longer) then a dog, require more effort to care for and raise, and are much harder to breed for... I don't see the price as being outrageous at all. People won't pay more then they want to. ;) If they don't want a $1000 glider then they don't have to buy one, lol. I've gotten some of my gliders for little or no money and some I've paid over $1000(the most expensive was $3300) for. I love them all equally, no matter their color or whether or not they breed. Between hubby and I we have 26 adult gliders and of all those gliders only 13 are breeding gliders and the others are non-breeding(the males are neutered or soon-to-be neutered). <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> I don't believe that ppl should spend that much on a dog,cat or whatever when there are an overpopulation problem with animals. Just bc a dog is small and cute doesn't mean that they are better than a dog or cat from a shelter that deserves a loving home. Same with gliders just bc a glider is a "cool color" doesn't mean that they are any better than a standard gray or another suggie from a shelter. stepakapets101 Super Glider    Canada 366 Posts <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by noeld2006</i> <br /><blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Tortiebaby</i> <br /><blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by noeld2006</i> <br />they are pretty but I would never spend 1000 plus on a sugar glider, especially since so many of them are in animal shelters.....it makes no sense to me. <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> People spend $1000+ on dogs all the time. Why is it so different to spend that much on a glider? Gliders live just as long(if not longer) then a dog, require more effort to care for and raise, and are much harder to breed for... I don't see the price as being outrageous at all. People won't pay more then they want to. ;) If they don't want a $1000 glider then they don't have to buy one, lol. I've gotten some of my gliders for little or no money and some I've paid over $1000(the most expensive was $3300) for. I love them all equally, no matter their color or whether or not they breed. Between hubby and I we have 26 adult gliders and of all those gliders only 13 are breeding gliders and the others are non-breeding(the males are neutered or soon-to-be neutered). <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> I don't believe that ppl should spend that much on a dog,cat or whatever when there are an overpopulation problem with animals. Just bc a dog is small and cute doesn't mean that they are better than a dog or cat from a shelter that deserves a loving home. Same with gliders just bc a glider is a "cool color" doesn't mean that they are any better than a standard gray or another suggie from a shelter. <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> were not saying that there "better" then the origional standard grays, there just harder to get and they are different, they are also more rare then the standard gray gliders. some people also like the different look. Personally I love the leus and mos just because there different, I dont like them because I think there "better" then my grays, I like them because there different.  noeld2006 Super Glider    USA 371 Posts <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by stepakapets101</i> <br /><blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by noeld2006</i> <br /><blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Tortiebaby</i> <br /><blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by noeld2006</i> <br />they are pretty but I would never spend 1000 plus on a sugar glider, especially since so many of them are in animal shelters.....it makes no sense to me. <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> People spend $1000+ on dogs all the time. Why is it so different to spend that much on a glider? Gliders live just as long(if not longer) then a dog, require more effort to care for and raise, and are much harder to breed for... I don't see the price as being outrageous at all. People won't pay more then they want to. ;) If they don't want a $1000 glider then they don't have to buy one, lol. I've gotten some of my gliders for little or no money and some I've paid over $1000(the most expensive was $3300) for. I love them all equally, no matter their color or whether or not they breed. Between hubby and I we have 26 adult gliders and of all those gliders only 13 are breeding gliders and the others are non-breeding(the males are neutered or soon-to-be neutered). <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> I don't believe that ppl should spend that much on a dog,cat or whatever when there are an overpopulation problem with animals. Just bc a dog is small and cute doesn't mean that they are better than a dog or cat from a shelter that deserves a loving home. Same with gliders just bc a glider is a "cool color" doesn't mean that they are any better than a standard gray or another suggie from a shelter. <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> were not saying that there "better" then the origional standard grays, there just harder to get and they are different, they are also more rare then the standard gray gliders. some people also like the different look. Personally I love the leus and mos just because there different, I dont like them because I think there "better" then my grays, I like them because there different. <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> All i'm saying is that I believe that ppl should always try to adopt before going to a breeder. Leus are pretty but unless there was one up for adoption then I would never buy one. There are many that would, but i'm not one of those ppl. Tortiebaby Glider  IL, USA 159 Posts The reason why people spend that much on dogs is because they get their money's worth(if they buy from a good breeder). Alot of money goes into breeding an animal and taking care of that animal(cage, food, toys, accessories, vet bills, etc...). Also, with expensive dogs, they are also buying a health guarantee and a good lineage to prove that the animal being bough is worth the money because alot of care has gone into breeding the dog for temperament, health, looks, etc... With gliders alot of money goes into their "set-up"(cage, toys, wheels, food, vet checks, etc...) so for just 2 grays you're putting in about $400(for gliders with good lineage) and then an additional $200-$400 for cage/accessories. Then you've got to wait about a year til they have their first joeys and they only have 1/2 babies at a time with only 2-4 litters a year. Then each joey should get a health check and fecal before going to their new home, so knock off at LEAST $50 per joey there. Sooo....say you have 4 pairs of joeys a year... That's $1600 if you sell them for $200 each, minus the $50 per joey drops the amount to $1200. Then knock off the original $800 investment for the parents and all their stuff. That leaves you with a MAXIMUM return profit of just $400 in the first TWO YEARS of breeding gliders, lol. Of course, with more expensive gliders, you'll make more, but you'll also have to invest more and just because you pay $1000 doesn't mean they'll have $1000 joeys. See, so, even though it SEEMS like alot of money, it really isn't. I've put in thousands of dollars to get all my gliders and am in the process of spending another $1000 upgrading cages and wanting more wheels so each cage can have at least 2. And, of course, bigger cages=more toys and bedding. I've only had 1 joey so far sell for the asking price and of those joeys only 1 has been fully paid for so far, the others are being slowly paid off. So, despite having lots of "fancy" gliders, I'm not rolling in dough, but in debt, lol. You've got to break down a price tag to calculate the true worth of an animal. ;) Wow, sorry for typing up a novel, lol. Tortiebaby Glider  IL, USA 159 Posts Also, keep in mind that the prices of gliders are dropping a LOT. They used to be WAY more! The first breeders paid an arm and a leg to get the original leus/albinos/creminos/mosaics/etc... We're only paying a portion of that! Just a year ago you probably couldn't find a non-sterile mosaic for under $3000, now they're as low as $1000. Leus would cost $2000 at a NORMAL price. Now the norm is $1500. Creminos were $6000-$7000, now they're $4000-$5000. Leu hets were $800-$1000, now they're $300-$500. See, the prices are going down quickly. ;) stepakapets101 Super Glider    Canada 366 Posts I understand that when it comes to breeding you dont really make anything (unless someone intends to be a mill witch I DO NOT). There also is like NO gliders up here in canada B.C I have only seen a few pairs on craigslist and I took them in, thats how I got my gliders and I spent about 400-500$ for the PAIR (not including cage!) I know how expensive they can be to breed and care for but I really dont mind spending the money on them. When I get my own house im planning on dedicating atleast two rooms to my gliders. I have BIG plans for them but it will be a while before I can put the plans into motion!!! Im so excited, I have been planning forever now and saving money for it. I really want to have HUGE cages in one room, and in the other room I want it to be like a jungle for playtime. anyways, I deff want to become a small colour breeder when I get my own place and i also want to rescue gliders, but too bad that wont be for a little while.
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