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kyro298 Glider Sprinkles           CO, USA 15262 Posts Sugar Mama Face Hugger    FL, USA 603 Posts quote: Originally posted by valkyriemome
Joeymum - I certainly wasn't trying to single you out! I completely agree - typing with one hand while bonding with the other is ABSOLUTELY an exception! Where part of this conversation is going has come up on other forums. The fact is, the "Old Guard" gets tired of answering the SAME newbie questions, day after day, week after week, year after year. However, they need to be answered. Every time. It is overwhelming to come as a newbie to a forum. Have you done it recently? Try going to an animal forum of an animal you know NOTHING about. Then try to poke around and determine what is a good diet, what is good housing, and what behaviors are normal. It is next to impossible in a chat-based forum! You end up finding threads where people are responding to one another much like this thread here! WHERE is the clear answer here? If I were a newbie, I'd feel overwhelmed and lost - and like an outsider eavesdropping. So - yes, it is painful and redundant. However, it is a necessary part of glider education for those who know to KEEP answering those same questions. 24/7/365. However, the GOAL is, about the time the "Old Guard" is getting forum burn out, a new wave of "Newer Old Guard" will be fully educated, fully dedicated, and able to step up and start answering those questions! We can NOT stop. We can not answer newbies with "do a search" or "this has been answered already." We MUST continue to actively educate if we are going to improve the lives of pet gliders!
I agree as well. kyro298 Glider Sprinkles           CO, USA 15262 Posts valkyriemome Goofy Gorillatoes      USA 3479 Posts Megs06 BANNED_ACCOUNT USA 1 Posts Again... If this were facebook.. I'd 'like' this. thefotokat Glider  177 Posts I remember reading this when it was first posted, but seeing it again makes me want to add one thing about answering privately. I agree with information needing to be in public posts for others to learn by, but when there is a health situation that needs more immediate answers a private conversation is often best. Here's why: many details are not included in the original post because the owner doesn't realize they are important. It's only when we ask specific questions that they provide those answers. In a post that's receiving a lot of answers (especially when many of those answers are "go to the vet" or "call ____"), it's very easy for questions to be overlooked which delays getting necessary help to a glider. Also, many of the answers meant to help contain incorrect advice simply because not all the information was relayed. Like Val and Ed, I do make myself available to help owners. As working rescues and sanctuaries, it's difficult to monitor a forum waiting for an answer in a thread. I've had owners think I forgot them because I didn't see their posted response immediately. With pm's and emails, I get a notification on my phone and can respond sooner. Just wanted to explain why I will often reply in a pm or email for health situations or when there will be an exchange of personal information (such as addresses). It's not to deny the information to others, it's to better help in that immediate situation. kyro298 Glider Sprinkles           CO, USA 15262 Posts JazzNZoeysmom Zippy Glidershorts        USA 5354 Posts I doubt many will read this all the way down here but let me add: Terry: Kazko Kylah: Kyro Val: Something To Believe In Kate: thefotokat Ed: Lucky Glider Rescue Sanctuary Ko: Ko (I apologize, I'm not sure if this is a given name as well as a screen name but I've never seen another name used when referring to Ko) kyro298 Glider Sprinkles           CO, USA 15262 Posts
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