Wow, this post is informative but so very sad! I have never seen gliders in these kinds of conditions and have only heard about HLP and cracked fur. The videos made me tear up; I don't know how people just sit by and let them get into that shape in the first place. Bless you all for taking such good care of these little darlings; the after pictures are inspiring!!
ok... so the ones with the cracked fur-- is it easily fixed? how long will it take for the fur to get pretty again? is there anything besides diet that needs to be done in order to get the nice fur back?
This is Alvin now. It is hard to get decent pics of the little guy now b/c he is just so very busy! lol I know I posted this on a separate post, but thought it was appropriate to put on this post. Alvin's diet before we rescued him consisted of pellets and a few dried bananas. Now, Alvin is on the Reep's Wombaroo Diet and is thriving!
Sometimes, it's caused by dryness/lack of humidity. Some have added a little bit of Vitamin E to their diet also.
my baby is only 40 grams and crackly fur as well she has been on HPW diet now for 3 weeks and so sign yet of change and i live in SC with lots and lots of humidity. When do you think i will see a improvement? My vet says just keep feeding her a little extra to pack on some poundage LOL
Is it safe to switch diets (bml to hpw or others I find here) that are healthy? Mine don't like the BML I was told to feed them - won't touch it. So they basically are only eating the meal worms, yogurt, fruit and veggies... oh, and some bb food. And is there a particular place here where all the good healthy diet staples are listed? My guys hve got to be tired of the same rotating stuff.
Yes its ok to switch and since theyre not touching it I'd change it immediately. Until you get the ingredients try to give them scrambled eggs or boiled chicken. Mealies are high in fat and not adequate for a everyday meal.
Oh my! Ok, then that's why people say to only give it to them a few and a few times a week! As of now - I'm a changed suggie momma! I can, and will, do the eggs and chicken. They love deer and hamberger (snatched it right off my plate), is any kind of meat ok? (I cook low fat)
OOoooo :-) I have suggie apple juice on the shelf! Great idea :-) Do yours take bites, suck out the juice and spit out little tounge shaped pieces of chicken when they eat it?
The rule of thumb is to only give lean meat. So steak, hamburger, any kind of red meat is high in fat. I'm sure it's ok for a treat every once in a while.
This post is so sad! I wish people wouldn't neglect gliders, or any animal for that matter! I don't understand why someone would want to hurt an animal...I just don't...
By reading this thread I really learned quite a bit. The previous owner of mine only fed them cat food and fruit loops and they have cracked fur and a really yellow belly and were given to me in a disgusting cage. I've ordered over 500 dollars worth of stuff so in the meantime I'm trying to make his life super great with the little bit of stuff I do have. Eggs, vegetables, fruit, yogart and baby food and once I get an ice cube tray I can start blending them up one of these diets.
What I don't get is how the original owners of all of these babies didn't seem to notice anything was wrong? When a glider is missing half of its hair, is skinny, can't keep its eyes open, is orange from staining, is probably lethargic from malnutrition - doesn't that at least wave SOME type of flag that something is wrong?!
What i have learned is its where they originally come from and what advice those owners got....I got my first guy from PP...of course he was on a pellet diet and looked horrible ...i emailed the company and asked if it was normal if they turn yellow. Below is my question i emailed them and what they actually answered....Horrible.
(me)2. he is black and white but his white is now turning yellow, is that normal?(PP) They can get a yellow/orange tint to thier lighter fur, this is normal.
What?????? thats not normal!!!! he is off the pellets and beautiful...NO yellow
Same here. We feed a good diet and while some parts of their fur looks really good, other parts are not quite so pretty.
quote:Originally posted by Charliebear
What i have learned is its where they originally come from and what advice those owners got....I got my first guy from PP...of course he was on a pellet diet and looked horrible ...i emailed the company and asked if it was normal if they turn yellow. Below is my question i emailed them and what they actually answered....Horrible.
(me)2. he is black and white but his white is now turning yellow, is that normal?(PP) They can get a yellow/orange tint to thier lighter fur, this is normal.
What?????? thats not normal!!!! he is off the pellets and beautiful...NO yellow
After getting my little guy on a better diet he is look so much better, I think I remember reading that dry air can still cause some of the cracking...this might be the problem now,
any suggestions on how to change this? Would a humidifyer near his cage help?