shminsy14 Glider  USA
91 Posts
I got home from class at around 11:30 this morning. For the first time since I've had her, Emolga remained asleep in her pouch when I came in to check on her. So, I figured I would carry her around in her bonding pouch and let her sleep. I was starving, so I went to the kitchen to make some soup. I poured myself a bowl of the vegetable minestrone I had made the other night and was carrying it over to the microwave. That's where the trouble began. Before I knew what was happening, little Emolga had popped out of her pouch (it's a drawstring), jumped on my arm, scurried down to the edge of the soup bowl, and began lapping up the broth. I was so bewildered that I just didn't move. She grabbed one of the cooked carrots and devoured that and was reaching out for another one when she tripped. Only her face and her front legs got wet but needless to say, she was displeased. She ran back up my arm, sneezing all the way, and then buried her way into my cleavage to dry off. Now I have a broth-stained shirt and an inedible bowl of soup. Somehow, I don't think I mind.
shminsy14 Glider  USA 91 Posts No, it wasn't warm. I had just pulled it out of the fridge. And there shouldn't have been any seasoning. Maybe a bit of salt, but that's it. She seems fine right now. Is there any type of seasoning that I should be worried if she consumed? shminsy14 Glider  USA 91 Posts Luckily, there was no garlic or onion in this particular soup. I totally get the need to be careful when having your gliders on you. No one else was home, so I didn't have to worry about other cooking. And I really wouldn't have taken her with me if I hadn't just been going to microwave something. But I appreciate the concern. There are definitely a lot of things to think more carefully about now that she's in my life. shminsy14 Glider  USA 91 Posts Luckily, there was no garlic or onion in this particular soup. I totally get the need to be careful when having your gliders on you. No one else was home, so I didn't have to worry about other cooking. And I really wouldn't have taken her with me if I hadn't just been going to microwave something. But I appreciate the concern. There are definitely a lot of things to think more carefully about now that she's in my life.
Some photos from our members THEHYLAND Zippy Glidershorts        FL, USA 4774 Posts I had mine out at the kitchen counter feeding them. Dakota and Maverick were running around and Dakota was running so fast that she slide right into the sink, full of water. Her first Bath.
sjones5254 Goofy Gorillatoes      SC, USA 2415 Posts Omis n Kais g-ma Pouch Protector        TX, USA 7524 Posts hypnotist321 Fuzzy Wuzzy     1742 Posts
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