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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Weight gain? Not happening.
Weight gain? Not happening.
Food, Diet
Dec 31 2015
11:48:23 AM
Leela Goofy Gorillatoes Gliderpedia Editor Visit Leela's Photo Album Leela's Journal 2919 Posts
Glider weights are as varied as human weight.
Age, body type, health etc all factor into what is an ideal weight per glider.

I have a 5 yr old neutered male Simon who is a constant 164 grams and is not overweight.

A almost 1.5 yr old neutered male at 178 not overweight

A 2 yr old female Nicky who was 200 grams when I got her def overweight who is gradually losing and is now at about 167-173

A 1 yr old female 83 Leela petite but not under weight

A2yr old female 74-78 grams not under weight

A 9 month old female who is also around 74-78 who is still filling out and not underweight

The 3 large ones have about the same body type as do the 3 smaller ones.

Also some gliders will gain in preparation of winter and lose when the seasons warm up. Nationwide we aren't having a normal winter temps are much warmer so that could be a factor in weight loss.

Have your gliders had a wellness exam and fecal done lately? Parasites can cause weight loss as well

Edited by - Leela on Dec 31 2015 12:05:44 PM
Food, Diet
Dec 31 2015
02:57:00 PM
Candy Cuddle Bear Visit Candy's Photo Album FL, USA 8110 Posts
When you weigh your gliders - do so about the same time of day each time. Mid morning while they are sleepy is a good time to check weights.

If you weigh them at different times - the variation could be due to the different length of time since they last ate.

As I recall, you just recently introduced two pairs of gliders to each other to make a quad. They are still adjusting to their new colony.

Be sure to offer food in several locations in the cage to make sure none of the gliders is hogging the dish and limiting the availability of food for the others. Place some dishes high in the cage, some low or on opposite sides of the cage to they all have a chance to eat at various times over night.

Continue following their weight a few times each week at the same time of day. If there are still weight losses going on, you may want to consult with a vet.

If they have not had fecal testing done since you brought them into your home, that should be done to make sure there are no parasite issues contributing to the weight loss.
Food, Diet
Dec 31 2015
05:48:11 PM
BYK_Chainsaw Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit BYK_Chainsaw's Photo Album BYK_Chainsaw's Journal USA 1301 Posts
thanks for the help.
I'm keeping a log of their weight for awhile, will also log time of day.
we gave 2 gliders one bowl of fruits and veggies, they seemed to never eat it all. Now we have 4 gliders eating out of same bowl with slightly more in it. most days I think we are seeing eaten leftover, not uneaten leftovers.
big momma eats inside of peas, leaves outside of peas everywhere in kitchen for us to clean up.
The gliders seem healthy and happy, running around the large playroom for several hours at a time.
they seem to share food fine, but girls are up earlier and eat first. last night after playtime, I put them in cage at same time wife put food in cage and they all crowded in kitchen and eat together fine.
We are going to increase fruits and veggies some, and keep an eye on their weight. -
Weight gain? Not happening.

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Weight gain? Not happening.