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my glider will not eat veggies
my glider will not eat veggies
Aug 22 2016
08:09:52 PM
I just got my first glider 2 weeks ago and I am loving being a glider mama. I feed her Suncast wholesome balance and blueberry fortifier (she loves them both) along with fresh fruits and veggies. The problem is that Sassy won't eat any veggies, but she will eat the fruit. She is a year old and my guess is that the breeder did not feed her veggies and true to form for asugar glider she is sticking with the sweet stuff.Do I need to be worried that she is not getting everything she needs. I want to be the best glider mama possible and give my baby everything she needs. Thanks in advance.
Aug 22 2016
08:31:24 PM
Candy Cuddle Bear Visit Candy's Photo Album FL, USA 8110 Posts
Try offering a couple types of vegetables and no fruit for a few days and see if she will try them. Gliders will not starve themselves and will learn to eat the food offered.

You might also consider switching to one of the widely used glider feeding plans that has a recipe for a nectar like staple to provide the protein, vitamins and calcium gliders need daily. I have links on my web page to help you locate the information on these diets.

My own GliderKids Feeding plan is one of several options. There are links to other feeding plans in the left column.

She may be eating the fruits because they are usually more juicy than vegetables. Gliders do not drink much water and depend on the juicy fruits and vegetables and a nectar like staple that most feeding plans include to meet most of their fluid needs.

She may need more liquids (by eating fruit) because she is also eating the dry pellet food.

Pellets are not the best way to meet your glider's nutritional needs long term.
Aug 23 2016
01:20:13 AM
Glider mama Starting Member 2 Posts
Thank you. I will try to cut out her fruit for a few days and see if she eats her veggies. I am also going to look at the link you posted.
my glider will not eat veggies

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
my glider will not eat veggies