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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Is my glider starting to bond with me?
Is my glider starting to bond with me?
Nov 15 2016
06:40:32 PM
Hi guys, first timer over here! I bought an 8 week old neutered baby boy a little over a week ago and I just want to make sure I'm doing this bonding thing right. I can tell he's very scared and still not used to his new home yet because he crabs A LOT, he lunges at me when I try to hand feed him and tries to bite when I try to get him into his bonding pouch. But he does eventually take the food from my hand (he even licked my fingers once), he lets me hold and pet him while he's in deep sleep, and he stops crabbing when I pet him and talk softly/sing to him (ex. while he's in the bonding pouch) so I was just wondering is this normal progress so far? Are things going well? Will he bond with me? It's just hard to stay positive when he does crab so so so much, I am not giving up on my baby, I want him to know that I am here to love him. Also I tried bathroom time with him last night and I think it went pretty well he climbed on my arms and back and took 2 treats from me. Am I doing this right? Also I am planning on getting him a buddy before the year ends, I know that will help a lot! :)

Edited by - amandaandolaf on Nov 15 2016 06:42:41 PM
Nov 15 2016
07:18:39 PM
jdching Face Hugger 807 Posts
Scared babies crab a lot! You are doing great in such a short time. Just go slow and let him learn to trust you. Before long he will quit crabbing , and then you will miss that sound.
Nov 16 2016
06:14:44 AM
BYK_Chainsaw Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit BYK_Chainsaw's Photo Album BYK_Chainsaw's Journal USA 1301 Posts
sounds ok to me, but keep in mind, depending on how much time to spend with him and how the gliders personality is the process may take a long time. You may see a "setback", depending of if he is sleepy or wide awake. So just remember to keep up working with him.
Nov 16 2016
08:22:09 PM
amandaandolaf Starting Member USA 4 Posts
thanks a lot guys! he jumped on my face twice yesterday during bathroom time, it was hilarious #128514;
Dec 22 2016
08:04:35 PM
KailahK Starting Member KailahK's Journal 2 Posts
You're doing better than I did! I got so discouraged when my babies did the same, but then one day it was like a switch flipped and now I can't get them off my head during playtime
Is my glider starting to bond with me?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Is my glider starting to bond with me?