Welcome, DobbysMOM!
Yes, lunging and crabbing is normal for a young glider. He is scared, and it is the only way he knows how to defend himself.
Definitely wash your hands first, and not with strawberry scented soap.
To transfer him from the sleeping pouch to the bonding pouch, put a treat in the one you want him to go into and then hold the other upside down over it. He will probably go into the new pouch on his own. If not, start rolling up the bottom of his pouch until he is forced out.
Heat rocks are not considered safe for sugar gliders. They can get dehydrated and even burned. As long as he has a pouch he will be fine. Buy some fleece and cut up some little squares like blankets for his pouch. I put fleece scraps on top of my cages and they pull them through the bars and sometimes put them in their pouch.
I sometimes use a small space heater in the glider room, but I don't aim it directly at the cage. It is enough to take the chill out of the room. I believe they are ok with temps between 65* and 85*. If I am wrong about that, someone will tell us.
A very young glider might poop in the food dish or pouch, but they usually outgrow that.