I have gone through a very similar experience! My brother had two girls and dumbly decided to get a free male off Craigslist. I ended up taking control of them because he didn't have time for them.
I ended up with 9 from that and one I rescued from an idiot friend. Two did pass away and the one rescued was given to a rescue place in Arizona. So now I have seven.
First step is getting the males neutered. Call all the vet places and see if they neuter and what the prices are. The cheapest place I found where I live is $175.
All males you intend to keep you should neuter. This way you won't get overwhelmed with more babies. I recommend keeping females and selling the males. Makes life easier.
I just graduated high school. Sugar gliders and high school is pretty do able. Hold them while you do your homework or on days while you're chilling at home. I didn't do any extra curricular activities so I was at home a lot.
Life will be easier if you have your parent's help. I had my sister and my parents help. I currently have three of them and mine sister has four.
I understand what you are going through. You can do this!