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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Jul 14 2017
04:25:43 PM
I have a male glider who I rescued about a year ago and he does a lot of backflips at night.ive heard it comes from stress.he does jump to me but only for food,he has come a long way from when I first got him,I think I've bonded with him but my concern is I'm wondering if I should get another companion for him as far as a glider and if so should I get a male or female a baby a baby female or baby male I need some guidance or help I want my sugar bear to have the long healthy life and I want him to be as happy as possible I love him very much and I just need a little help his name is monkey
Jul 14 2017
08:32:32 PM
jdching Face Hugger 807 Posts
I'm pretty sure he would love a companion, but it would be best if he was neutered. It really doesn't matter if you get another male or a female. The age doesn't matter as much as the size. Try to find one about the same size.
Jul 15 2017
12:37:17 AM
BYK_Chainsaw Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit BYK_Chainsaw's Photo Album BYK_Chainsaw's Journal USA 1301 Posts
I agree with above. if two males have them neutered first.

we rescued a pair and a single. the single female was very nervous, jumping
around. hanging from top of cage and doing flips. Once introduced with the pair she calmed down and acted like all the other gliders.
Jul 15 2017
07:42:45 PM
lilsistar Super Glider Visit lilsistar's Photo Album 293 Posts
You should get the male neutered no matter which gender companion. I personally would recommend a girl only if you neuter.

I can't speak for all gliders but I know my males don't get along with other males. They are neutered but very territorial.

Males can get along, but from my understanding it's a hit or miss.

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion