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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
new male lower incisors long and wide apart
new male lower incisors long and wide apart
Health related
Oct 13 2023
01:45:55 PM
His name is Radarr,a neutered 4 yrs old male. just got him a week ago to replace my old neutered male that passed away from old age, and keep the girls happy ;-)

His lower two long teeth are not like my two girl's teeth - he doesn't seem to be able to fully close his mouth or let his lips cover them. looks strange. They're wide apart, too ~ very wide...

Got appointment with exotic vet in a couple of weeks to get him looked at - may need dental work to shorten them so he can eat properly? Don't know how they'd pull them back close together...

Anyone else have this 'issue' and is it something to be concerned about?

Got him bonded w/mom pretty quickly... working on bonding w/baby girl. Have to introduce him to each separately ~ get each of the girls to sleep separately in their main nest together with him before putting all three together...
Health related
Oct 13 2023
04:12:54 PM
BatGirl Glider Visit BatGirl's Photo Album BatGirl's Journal USA 62 Posts
the two teeth are about 30 degrees apart - make him look like a warthog with tusks. He can't cover the teeth with his lower lip... keeping food in his mouth seems precarious...
Health related
Oct 17 2023
12:33:47 PM
BatGirl Glider Visit BatGirl's Photo Album BatGirl's Journal USA 62 Posts
Here's a couple of photos of the diastema of the teeth condition:

front view, and here's a side view showing lower lip issue:

...taking him to a vet on 25th to see if maybe they can trim the 'tusks' down so he can close his mouth when he eats... they're too long as he is unable to use them and they get no wearing down naturally.

Health related
Oct 17 2023
05:10:30 PM
mechnut450 Glider Visit mechnut450's Photo Album 121 Posts
Gliders teeth don't get trimmed. they are not rodents... there is a issue here that may require surgery to either remove them or if just happen to repair the issue if possible.
Health related
Oct 18 2023
09:16:10 AM
BatGirl Glider Visit BatGirl's Photo Album BatGirl's Journal USA 62 Posts
Glider teeth don't NORMALLY get 'trimmed', but ABNORMAL teeth like this could easily require trimming them down as corrective surgery!

NORMAL teeth wear down, but ABNORMAL teeth that can't be used NORMALLY, do not get NORMAL wear, and can grow very long and pointy like his.

Pulling them will probably be too traumatic/risky, but trimming one, then the other weeks later, may be survivable and give him the opportunity to finally be able to close his mouth fully ~ lower lips closing on upper lips, so food can be chewed/swallowed less this video:

Radarr Eating Video

Looking to trim them back just enough so lower lip can cover the teeth/tusks
Health related
Nov 17 2023
09:56:05 AM
BatGirl Glider Visit BatGirl's Photo Album BatGirl's Journal USA 62 Posts
Took the family to the local Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians (AEMV) certified vet to get Radarr checked out, and to get the girls done too while I'm there.

Doctor Welch with Forest Trails Animal Hospital in Tulsa, OK said he'd never seen anything like what Radarr has - sent him pictures showing the teeth and jaw, and video of Radarr eating, so he can get with his colleagues for more research and answers.

Meanwhile, he examined Radarr's mouth and discovered Radarr only has these two tusks - no other teeth (after four years of not being able to close the mouth and chew on the teeth they probably just atrophied...). He is using the tusks to tear at food like sliced-up grapes and slurp up the fragments and juice with his tongue. Doing anything to the tusks was thus rejected.

Doc took stool samples of all three, and all came back w/o parasites or abnormalities - except for Starling's (my glutton), which had traces of bacteria and apparently some red dye? She will eat and chew on anything - gotta work on keeping old left over food away from her - the dye is probably from destructive chewing on some cloth she shouldn't be doing and that neither of the others are doing... kids!

Weighed all three before going: Radarr at 75g, Piper (mom) at 105g, and Starling (baby girl) at 150g. Mom's lost some weight from four years ago, but baby girl is still the same - fattening up Radarr and Piper with guacamole treats was suggested.

All in all, Doc gave them all a clean bill of health - didn't suggest any bloodwork.

See him again next year ;-)
Health related
Nov 07 2024
10:10:23 AM
BatGirl Glider Visit BatGirl's Photo Album BatGirl's Journal USA 62 Posts
Was hand feeding Radaar with HPW/Emeraid via syringe this morning and he started fighting it a little more than usual this morning and I think he caught/snagged his left 'tusk' on the fleece I hold him with, and now the tooth is 'loose'... it also bled, but very little.

After putting him back in the cage he began lapping up water from a water bowl I've added to their water bottles. Seemed to be cleaning out his mouth and the bleeding stopped and got cleaned off. The 'tusk' is very loose but has not come 'out' - I think he'll lose it shortly. He seems to just be ignoring the loose tooth...

Once the loose 'tusk' falls completely out, he may be able to finally close that side of his mouth. Just don't know how serious this is and what I could even do about it... no exotic vets in my area of Tennessee to help.

ANY advice would be apperciated
Health related
Nov 14 2024
08:10:34 AM
BatGirl Glider Visit BatGirl's Photo Album BatGirl's Journal USA 62 Posts
Well, the tooth/tusk finally fell out - somewhere - and he seems fine.

QUESTION: will it grow back?
Health related
Nov 15 2024
06:42:17 PM
BatGirl Glider Visit BatGirl's Photo Album BatGirl's Journal USA 62 Posts
...the other tusk was loose this morning, and is gone now - what's going on?!? Seems to accept them gone, and laps up a bit easier it seems ~
new male lower incisors long and wide apart

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
new male lower incisors long and wide apart