Differences for Laws

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Laws are specific to different countries and differ at different levels. Sugar 
glider ownership may legal at the country, state or province level, but could 
be illegal at the city or neighborhood level.  
Another complication is that within a specific level of government, such as on 
a state level, their may be more than one governmental body with conflicting 
laws regarding sugar gliders.  In this scenario where the legality is 
ambiguous, a lawyer should be consulted.
Laws change and this article may not reflect current laws.  In no way should 
any of this be taken as legal advice.
= United States =
In the United States sugar gliders are considered to be wild or exotic animals 
because their life cycle, habits, and potential threat to native species is 
unknown. Because of this some states choose to make it illegal to own them and 
the national government stipulates that you must be licensed to breed them. The 
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health 
Inspection Service (APHIS) regulates licensing of breeders through the Animal 
Welfare Act. 
If you have questions about legality in your specific area, you might contact 
your local Fish & Wildlife Office or whatever the local governing body is 
that regulates animals.
Owners who would like more information on the breeding requirements or 
legalities of this animal in the US should contact USDA-APHIS-Animal Care. 
Which office to contact depends on which state you live in.  Currently there is 
an  Eastern and Western region.  Please view the map at 
http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/acorg.html to determine 
which office you need to contact.  Contact information is provided on that page 
as well.  USDA-APHIS-AC provides an 
[https://web01.aphis.usda.gov/ApplicationKit.nsf/application?OpenForm online 
form to request an application for licensing].
== Alabama ==
== Alaska  ==
{R}**Illegal**{/R}[http://www.wc.adfg.state.ak.us/index.cfm?adfg=regulations.misc#live Alaska Department of Fish and Game]
== Arizona  ==
{DG}Legal{/DG} (According to Bill Van Pelt, Nongame Bird and Mammal Program 
Manager of the [http://www.gf.state.az.us/ Arizona Game and Fish Department])
== Arkansas  ==
== California  ==
California Department of Fish and Game]
== Colorado  ==
== Connecticut ==
== Deleware Delaware ==
== Florida  ==
  * Additional Information: From the [http://myfwc.com/codebook/ Florida Fish 
And Wildlife Conservation Commission Law and Code Manual]
    * Page 234. 68A-6.0022 (2) <br> "No permit shall be required to 
possess the following wildlife for personal use, unless possession of a species 
is otherwise regulated by other rules of the Commission: "
      * Page 234. 68A-6.0022 (2) (c) <br> "Honey possums, sugar 
gliders, brushtailed possums."
    * Page 244. 68A-6.004 (4) (i) <br> "Marsupials. In addition to 
requirements of this section, each enclosure shall be equipped with a 
shelter(s) or next box(es) that shall accommodate all the animals in the 
enclosure simultaneously.  When vegetation or landscaping is available to serve 
as protection from the elements, access to a shelter shall also be provided 
during inclement weather conditions. Such shelter shall be attached to or 
adjacent to the paddock, habitat, or enclosure. Each paddock, habitat, or 
enclosure shall have an accessible device to provide physical stimulation or 
manipulation compatible with the species. Such device shall be noninjurious, 
and may include, but is not limited to, browsing and grazing material."
      * Page 244. 68A-6.004 (4) (i) 5. b. (I) <br> "For one or two 
animals, a cage or enclosure 4 feet by 4 feet, 4 feet high.  For each 
additional animal, increase cage size by 25 percent of original floor 
      * Page 244. 68A-6.004 (4) (i) 5. b. (II) <br> "Each cage shall 
have perching area(s) and next box(es) that shall accommodate all animals in 
the enclosure simultaneously.  Each cage shall have a horizontal climbing 
== Georgia  ==
The exotic species listed below, except where otherwise noted, may not be held 
as pets in Georgia. This list is not all inclusive.
    * Marsupials (wallabies, kangaroos, sugar gliders, etc.); all species
Note: Sugar gliders are legal as pets if the owner possesses valid 
documentation that the animal originated from a source inspected and regulated 
by the United States Department of Agriculture.
== Hawaii  ==
== Idaho ==
== Illinois  ==
== Indiana  ==
== Iowa  ==
== Kansas  ==
== Kentucky  ==
== Louisiana  ==
== Maine ==
== Maryland ==
A license is needed to sell Sugar Gliders(Obtained from the USDA), but owning 
sugar gliders is legal. 
== Massachusetts ==
== Michigan ==
Unregulated by the state, thus legal, but also check city laws.
20090528:"There is no permit or other authorization required from the DNR 
in order for you to possess a sugar glider in Michigan."
== Minnesota ==
Unknown statewide
  : **St. Paul** {R}**Illegal**{/R} due to city ordinance as of Dec 26, 2007 
according to [http://www.startribune.com/12839087.html Startribue.com]
== Mississippi ==
== Missouri  ==
== Montana  ==
== Nebraska  ==
== Nevada   ==
== New Hampshire  ==
== New Jersey  ==
== New Mexico  ==
{R}Illegal{/R} unless a special permit for exotics is obtained. 
== New York  ==
{DG}Legal{/DG} except in the five NYC boroughs where they are {R}illegal{/R}
== North Carolina  ==
== North Dakota  ==
== Ohio  ==
== Oklahoma  ==
== Oregon  ==
{DG}Legal{/DG} [http://www.dfw.state.or.us/oars/56.pdf ]
== Pennsylvania  ==
Pennsylvania requires a permit for wild life ownership. Please call 
Pennsylvania Game Commission for permit details. Their website can be found at  
The following is from 
[http://www.pgc.state.pa.us/pgc/cwp/view.asp?a=478&q=151168#2963 Chapter 
29. Special Licenses and Permits, Subchapter D. Permits Relating to Wildlife, 
Sec. 2963. Exotic wildlife possession permits].
(a) Authorization. - The commission may issue permits to persons to possess 
exotic wildlife which shall authorize the holder to purchase, receive or 
possess exotic wildlife from any lawful source from within or without 
<Footnote("The usage of the word ''without'' means ''beyond the 
compass, limits, range, or scope of (now used chiefly in opposition to 
within)''(Dictionary.com) and gives an appropriate example of usage; ''whether 
within or without the law''(Dictionary.com).  This means animals can be 
obtained from sources outside of the state so long as the Pennsylvania resident 
purchasing the animal already has a permit.")> this Commonwealth.
(b) Shelter, care and protection. - No permit provided for in this section 
shall be granted until the commission is satisfied that the provisions for 
housing and caring for such exotic wildlife and for protecting the public are 
proper and adequate and in accordance with the standards established by the 
(c) Unlawful acts. - It is unlawful for any person to:
  : (1) Possess, purchase or receive exotic wildlife, without first securing a 
permit to possess exotic wildlife issued under this section or regulations 
pertaining to this section.
  : (2) Release exotic wildlife into the wild.
  : (3) Fail to exercise due care in safeguarding the public from attack by 
exotic wildlife.
  : (4) Recklessly engage in conduct which places or may place another person 
in danger of attack by exotic wildlife.
(d) Penalty. -
  : (1) A violation of this section relating to permits is a summary offense of 
the third degree.
  : (2) Any other violation of this section is a summary offense of the fifth 
  : (3) Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense, but under no 
circumstances shall the accumulated penalty for purposes of a field receipt 
exceed $300. There shall be no limit on any accumulated penalty a court may 
(e) Discretion of director. - In addition to the penalties provided, the 
director may, for any violation of this section, revoke or suspend any permit 
and order the disposal of any exotic wildlife held. Cross References. Section 
2963 is referred to in section 2965 of this title. 
== Rhode Island  ==
== South Carolina  ==
== South Dakota  ==
== Tennessee  ==
== Texas  ==
  * General exotics are not allowed in many cities
== Utah  ==
<br>*Only with a permit/license which costs $55.00 the first year and 
$25.00/year to renew.
{R}Illegal{/R} <br>
*In Salt Lake County. It is also illegal in Salt Lake County to possess any 
other animal that is not native to North America
I recently (06/28/2013) spoke with the USDA Salt Lake Office, DNR and DWS 
offices as well as the Salt Lake County humane society. There are no 
restrictions in relation to owning sugar gliders in the state of utah by any of 
these local agencies. There are regulations for licensing for breeding in the 
state of Utah. That is regulated through the Utah USDA office.
== Vermont  ==
== Virginia  ==
== Washington  ==
== West Virginia  ==
== Wisconsin  ==
== Wyoming  ==
= Canada: =
  * Timmins-ontario 
  * Cochrane-ontario
  * brampton-ontario
  * Brantford-ontario
  * BARRIE-Ontario
  * North Bay-ontario-not confirmed
  * Peterborough -not confirmed
  * WHITBY ONTARIO-not confirmed
  * Minden-ontario (this town does not have speicifc animal by-laws,however 
they donnot allow exotics in residential areas so caution is recomended,and 
preferably individual,written aceptions to individuals by request owning 
  * Alberta
  * BC
  * NFLD
  * Labrador
  * Quebec (except for ottawa) -ontario
  * Toronto-ontario
  * Missisauga - ontario
  * Oshawa -ontario (while it is not specified on the bylaw gliders are omitted 
from the listing) 
  * HAMILTON ONTARIO-limit of 2 per household
  * Stoney Creek Ontario-limit of 4 per household
  * KITCHENER ONTARIO-possible limits on number of pets per household
  * Tweed- ontario
  * Oakville-ontario
  * Perth, Smith Falls,surrounding area -Ontario
  * Madoc-ontario
  * Kingston-ontario
  * St. Catherines
  * Pelham region
  * Niagara on the Lake
  * Niagra Falls- ontario
  * Cambridge- ontario
  * Pt Colbourne
  * Thorold 
  * Oro-Medonte
  * Orillia-Ontario
= Australia: =
To keep protected species in Australia, you must have the appropriate licence. 
These vary majorly from state to state and in fact, in some states you may not 
keep protected species at all. Here are each state's wildlife licence law pages 
& applications for reference. 
Please note, even with the appropriate licence, wildlife may not be taken from 
the wild. 
== Victoria  ==
Private Wildlife Licence :- 
[http://www.dse.vic.gov.au/CA256F310024B628/0/B26F8AF7E3D97226CA257193007930EF/$File/Application+for+a+Private+Wildlife+Licence.pdf Victorian Licencing]  
This form explains the regulations/costs and what type of wildlife you may keep 
under this licence. 
== South Australia  ==
Fauna Permits :- [http://www.parks.sa.gov.au/fauna_permits/index.htm South 
Australian Licencing] 
== New South Wales  == 
Only three native mammals can be kept as pets in N.S.W: dingos, spinifex 
hopping-mice and plains rats. You'll need a licence for the last two of these. 
Find out more. 
N.S.W Licencing ]
== Western Australia  == 
This is the Nature Base site for the WA Government. [http://www.calm.wa.gov.au/ 
Western Australian Licencing ] It appears you may only keep some reptiles in 
captivity. Unable to find reference to other animals. If someone has any 
further information on this, please let us know so we can keep this site up to 
== Australian Capital Territory  == 
[http://www.tams.act.gov.au/live/environment/native_plants_and_animals/licensing_of_plants_and_animals  ACT licencing].  Sugar gliders cannot legally be kept in captivity.
== Tasmania  == 
[http://www.dpiw.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/ThemeNodes/SJON-52B3KY?open Tasmania 
Licencing ]
It appears from this website, the only permit you can get is to care and 
rehabilitate wildlife back into the wild. You may not keep wildlife in 
captivity. If anyone has any further information on this, please let us know. 
== Queensland  ==
[http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/publications?id=1393 Queensland Wild Life 
Demonstrator Licence ] 
In Queensland, you may keep protected animals, which includes the sugar glider, 
by acquiring a demonstrators licence.  There are restrictions and requirements 
for this licence.  One of the main requirements is that you "hold 
demonstrations at places other than your own home at least once a month and 
keep records of these demonstrations."  This license is designed to 
promote wildlife conservation.  There may also be local government restrictions 
that further restrict the type of animal you may keep as well as the number of 
== Northern Territory  ==
[http://www.nt.gov.au/nreta/wildlife/permits/ Northern territory ] Legal with 
permit. You will need to call the department there for further info. They don't 
advertise it on their website.
= Works Cited =
"without." Def.5. //Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)//. Random 
House, Inc. 22 Dec. 2007. <Dictionary.com 

